3rd Co-op Rotation at Ravenna Ductile Iron


3rd Co-op Rotation at Ravenna Ductile Iron

Experience Information

Employer: Metal Technologies: Ravenna Ductile Iron (RDI)
Job Title: Process Engineer
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Metal technologies makes metal parts via the sand molding process. Ravenna Ductile Iron (RDI) makes ductile iron castings via the sand molding process. RDI employs roughly around 500 employees. The company has been around since 1997 and has continued to grow with the goal of becoming the biggest iron part supplier by 2025 in north America.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

- Cleaning and putting away pattern plates - Operating a jib crane and hi-lo to put away pattern plates. - Improving the current tools to run better(this is done in CAD). - Designing how a customers part will fill and solidify within a sand mold (this is done in CAD). - Quoting and launching tools with different pattern shops. - Making PowerPoints for modifications to be made to pattern plates. - Submitting .stl files for sand mold filling simulation. - Analyzing simulation results and making changes in CAD accordingly.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

I have gained the experience of conducting myself in a work place better than before. I know who I need to talk to to resolve certain issues. I am far better at CAD then when I started.

Favorite Part of the Experience

Working in CAD on a new customers part. I liked this experience the most because I had the most creative freedom, while being able to apply concepts and equations I learned in school.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

I'm no longer fearful to work in a manufacturing environment, though loud and sometimes dirty, the engineering that goes on is very important. I will try to secure a job here for after I graduated.

Internship Format

In Person

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