My Time As a Controls Engineer


My Time As a Controls Engineer

Experience Information

Employer: Granco Clark Inc
Job Title: Controls Engineer
Major: Electrical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Granco Clark Inc. is an Aluminum extrusion and automation equipment manufacturer. We design test and manufacture machinery designed to completely automate the aluminum extrusion process. We have clients in every major country in the world and chances are at some point during your lifetime you have encountered an aluminum product that was produced using our equipment.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

While on Co-op with Granco Clark I was placed in charge of 2 primary projects. The most significant of the two has actually gained myself and the company global recognition within our industry. I was tasked with and successful in testing, prototyping, and integrating wireless Bluetooth technology into our machines to allow for completely wireless I/O and communication between machines and the central processor. This made Granco Clark the first industrial automation manufacturer in the world to have integrated such technology into the automated metal extrusion process. It also resulted in a featured article by Light Metals Magazine that highlighted Granco's decision for its integration of wireless communication technology into the field of aluminum/metal extrusion.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

This experience has definitely taught me on how to best accomplish a given tasked based on budget, material, and time constraints. by being given an entirely R&D project I have learned how to best solve problems and questions that have not necessarily been answered before. I have also experienced an immersion into the environment of a global company, which gave me the unique experience of seeing how my work on this Bluetooth project could potentially effect the production of extruded aluminum products worldwide.

Favorite Part of the Experience

Hands down the best part of the experience was the opportunity to design something new. To begin my Co-Op experience by being given the lead on a project that could have major influence in the future of aluminum extrusion was a great privilege and I am proud to be able to put my name on it.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

This experience has done nothing but further set me in my path to become a degreed Electrical Engineer. The work I have done this summer has cemented for me the choices I have made to enter the engineering field. I am excited to continue forward and to further grow in my career and I am hopeful to one day be placed in a administrative position such as director of engineering. so that I may further contribute to my field and help lead my company to continued growth and success.

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