So, You Think You Learn a Lot in School? Try Working at JR Automation.


So, You Think You Learn a Lot in School? Try Working at JR Automation.

Experience Information

Employer: JR Automation
Job Title: Controls Engineer Intern
Major: Product Design and Manufacturing Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

JR automation designs and builds automation solutions in house, generally for large manufacturing companies in and out of state that have specific needs for a unique machine or automation line. This is a collaborative process involving many different stages including quoting, mechanical design, controls/program design, wiring, fabrication, and documentation.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

While at JR I was privileged to be able to work on numerous different projects, all of which were unique and rich with learning experiences. I began my first weeks by learning my way around wiring and pneumatic diagrams, which are crucial pieces of documentation for every project the company becomes involved with. Once I became familiar with these, I was quickly given the opportunity to start learning the process of generating logic and debugging logic for PLCs using Rockwell's RSLogix5000. During this time I also learned how to use Rockwell's FactoryTalk View, which is a program that helps generate interactive interfaces that are unique for each project. This program downloads the interfaces onto HMIs (human machine interfaces), allowing users to view pertinent information, and even manually control actuation within the project. I was able to put this information to use on several different projects, the most memorable being two different sunroof automation lines. For these automation lines I was given the task to help generate intuitive HMI screens for each station within the line. Since these were such large operations, there were as many as 30 different stations that needed unique displays. For each display that was created, logic also needed to be generated for everything to function harmoniously. While working on these projects, I was able to spend a good amount of time out on the floor, where I was able to go online with the PLCs that controlled the entire line, allowing me to make changes simultaneously with other engineers working on the project.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

After just one semester of working for JR Automation I feel as though I have learned more than all of my semesters combined at Grand Valley. Starting with virtually zero knowledge in the controls field, I now feel very comfortable within the work that a controls engineer deals with on a daily basis. More specifically, I learned a great deal about programming PLCs using ladder logic, wiring PLCs, reading wiring and pneumatic diagrams, programming HMIs, and interfacing communication used to run everything simultaneously. I also learned a lot about sensors that can be used for different applications, and terminology of specific hardware used within automation lines. I have a whole new mindset of what it takes to generate automation solutions for customers, which has even helped with projects that are assigned in classes at Grand Valley.

Favorite Part of the Experience

My favorite part about the co-op experience was having the opportunity to travel to Kentucky. While I was working on one of the sunroof lines it was shipped down to the customer site for assembly and debugging purposes. I had committed a large amount of time to the HMI work within this project, but it wasn't quite complete when the line shipped from our plant. I was asked if I could go down to the customer plant in order to continue my work, which I gladly accepted to do. It was very rewarding being given the chance to see how everything was reassembled once it left our plant, and what was involved in the debugging / fine tuning process to get everything running correctly.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

As a Product Design and Manufacturing Major, controls engineering was slightly out of my comfort zone. I did not know what to expect going into this position, or even what they would have me doing. Quite frankly, I didn't know the first thing about sensors, PLCs, or HMIs. However, after just one semester of controls work at JR Automation, I have truly grown to love the field. It is ever-changing work that has kept me engaged every day that I have been there. I had no idea what field I wanted to go into after graduation until I accepted a position at JR automation; now, I am quite confident that I want to continue on the path of controls engineering.

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