Steelcase Summer


Steelcase Summer

Experience Information

Employer: Steelcase
Job Title: Co-Op Application Engineer
Major: Computer Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Steelcase is the leading seller of office furniture. Steelcase has 80 locations, ~11,000 employees. It has a strong life-work balance and is international.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

Each week, I was required to update software for the plant system. Each section in the plant had a "Golf ball" HMI. The plant user had to choose certain components on the screen and the program shows if the part in front of them matches what components it is supposed to have. In other words, says if the part was built correctly. I also wrote new parameters for barcode scanners as a creative new input method. I also changed C++ based code that creates the labels for reports which incorporates SQL language. The biggest part of my impact was when I led a project that creates shipping boxes. The boxes are built so that there is minimal waste. Through code, I had to analyze the size of our products and calculate which size of boxes would fit the most products as well as create minimal waste. In addition, I gained experience working with RFID barcodes and TCP connections.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

The tasks at Steelcase built upon the foundation laid at GVSU. Specifically, I became better at application design and management, communicating with people from all sectors of the company, be it management, plant-workers, or teammates. I became more organized, open-minded, and technical. I learned SQL language and more about database organization and function.

Favorite Part of the Experience

My favorite part of working at Steelcase is that they truly value their employees. I formed many relationships with my co-workers and learned many different things that I would not have had the chance to if I was not exposed to all areas of the company. There is great communication within the company and each sector of the company truly wants to help the other sectors. This creates even more motivation to succeed as a team. I was given important tasks which showed trust in their interns. I really appreciated the time invested into my career at Steelcase.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

This experience has influenced me because it has shown me multiple ways that my major can be applied and has opened my eyes to many opportunities. Each week, Steelcase has a Lunch-and-Learn for the interns. During these meetings, the interns get to learn about the other technical tasks that other parts of the company are working on. This is very interesting because there is so much more exposure to other aspects. This helped me see all the different areas that I am interested in. Some examples are Artificial Intelligence, Acoustics, and Customer Managment through online portals. Since I work in applications, I wouldn't have known of all of the different areas if I had not attended these meetings.

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