Electrical Engineering Internship


Electrical Engineering Internship

Experience Information

Employer: Magna Mirrors
Job Title: Advanced Product Development Intern
Major: Electrical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Magna Mirrors is one of the world's largest suppliers of automotive mirror and vision systems. They are an international organization with global efforts in manufacturing, engineering, and research.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

The department I worked with for this co-op was the advanced product development department. I performed a variety of tests on different parts for benchmarking and general research. I also worked with other engineers to design and construct various parts for testing and innovation.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

I learned better soldering methods, software and hardware debugging strategies, knowledge and understanding of distortion, polariscope, illuminance, and spot meter testing, how to have a microcontroller and Bluetooth communicate, and general experience with benchmarking.

Favorite Part of the Experience

The innovation project. Though it was difficult, it was incredibly awesome to see my own idea go through the design process and end in a working prototype. I plan on continuing this idea into a fully working product eventually.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

I have gained a great deal of electrical engineering skills and confidence about working in this field. I plan to pursue employment with this company in the future.

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