Co-op Rotation 1 at SAF-Holland


Co-op Rotation 1 at SAF-Holland

Experience Information

Employer: SAF-Holland
Job Title: Engineering Co-op/Designer I
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

SAF-Holland is a large small-company. The fact that it has a global reach makes it large, but at the facility it has more of a "small company" atmosphere. SAF-Holland (SAF is the German half, Holland is the American half) is a heavy truck Tier 1 & 2 supplier for both military & commercial vehicles; we design, prototype, test and mass produce suspensions for truck/tractor and trailers for Class 8 vehicles.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

I aided in a research project to develop the best steel coating in the industry; made conceptual designs for a potential new product; design changes to current products; learned to weld and plasma cut, among many other things, working in the test lab; and lead tests on my own. All the work I did was meaningful; it was never busywork.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

Improved CAD skills; gained lots of knowledge about industry standards for testing of steel coatings; how professional engineering meetings are run; gained appreciation for the work that the lab technicians do for the engineers; lots of knowledge on the trucking industry.

Favorite Part of the Experience

The design work and physical labor in the test lab. Designing actual products is quite exciting. And learning to weld is an awesome skill to have.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

Confirms that I want to be an engineer. And to give good thought about which industry to go into as I may be there for 40 years.

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