


Experience Information

Employer: Corvac Composites, LLC.
Job Title: Engineer
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Corvac Composites, LLC. is an company the creates automotive underbody components for companies such as Chrysler and Honda. Parts are made through a thermoforming process. Corvac does its own extruding, thermoforming, trimming, and partial assembly of parts. Corvac is a growing company that has expanded from its central location in Byron Center to Europe and China.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

1) Updated a Parts Reference Manual for Program managers 2) Created standard work, job breakdown sheets, and corrective action sheets 3) Capability study of Machines 4) Worked with IT to create a Design Request form online for the program managers to submit to designers 5) Worked with automation engineer on programming and modifying machines.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

1) Different methods of programming 2) Methods to thermoforming automotive parts 3) Aspects of program management 4) Creating tools for automating processes

Favorite Part of the Experience

The exposure to different machinery and seeing how the machinery is utilized to creating an end product.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

It confirmed for me that there are many opportunities for an engineer in the workplace. Engineering allows you to really find what you're passionate about. It also showed that some of the knowledge I gained in school is actually relevant in the real world.

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