Virtual Goldwater Essay Writing Workshop for STEM Undergraduates - the Internal Deadline (Nov. 20) is approaching!
Tuesday, November 5, 2024
2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Faculty, Students

Congratulations on your progress on your Goldwater essays! The
internal GVSU Deadline of November 20th is coming close! Are you in
good contact with your research mentor and other STEM faculty advisors?
The Goldwater Scholarship Program, one of the oldest and most prestigious national scholarships in the natural sciences, engineering and mathematics in the United States, seeks to identify and support college sophomores and juniors who show exceptional promise of becoming this Nation’s next generation of research leaders in these fields. Most Goldwater Scholars plan to pursue PhDs in their chosen field.
In this workshop we will review essay prompts and reflect upon content, especially of the important short-essay answers. Remember STARR as a model for brief, engaging anecdotes that help to capture your commitment to and enthusiasm for scientific research: S - the situation (the lab, the field station, the particular research team or moment); T - the task (what you had to do); A - the action you took; R - the response (what happened as a result of your action); R - your reflection on this (what you learned from it, what you know now that you didn't know before about the research and about yourself).
Location Information
The information session will take place via Zoom. Once registered you will receive a link to the session.
Contact Information
For more information contact fellowships at: [email protected]
academic careercenter cuse fellowships stem student
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This event was added to the calendar by Brenda Tooley ( on Thursday, August 22, 2024 and was last updated on Friday, August 30, 2024 at 8:39 a.m.
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