GVSUAlert! methods used to notify you in an emergency

GVSUAlert! can send real-time information as a text message to your cell phone in the event of an emergency. You must update your alert preferences to include the ability to receive text alerts. Update your preferences here. The text alerts are sent free of charge, but standard text rates apply from your cell carrier’s contract.

GVSUAlert! can send real-time information as a recorded voice message to a phone line or office extension in the event of an emergency. 

Current students, faculty and staff email accounts are automatically registered with the system.  You cannot change this setting.

                                EMERGENCY WEBSITE
www.gvsu.edu/emergency is the official Grand Valley State University emergency notification website. 
Each GVSUAlert! emergency notification that is sent is posted to this page.  During an emergency, the website is updated with the most current and confirmed information.

                                 OUTDOOR WARNING
The GVSU Allendale campus has a series of eight outdoor warning sirens.  These sirens can be deployed to sound an audible siren, play a recorded voice message, or act as a Public Address system from the GVPD Dispatch Center.

                              DESKTOP NOTIFICATION
As an additional means to inform and communicate with you during an emergency, GVSU has installed a program on University owned computers, workstations, kiosks, and lab computers.  During an emergency, these computers can display a full-screen pop-up alert.   For more information visit www.gvsu.edu/desktopnotification

                                      WEB BANNERS
During an emergency, GVSU may place notifications on the www.gvsu.edu homepage and various webpages to alert the community of an ongoing emergency.

                                GVSUALERT! GRAIL
GVSU uses the GRAIL service for various circumstances such as closings and cancellations.  The GRAIL service distributes a message to television and radio stations in the region. Media outlets then post the GVSU message on their websites under school closings or as scrolling messages.

Page last modified July 1, 2019