Our Impact

The DEISS is designed to get real results quickly. We incubate learning pathways that are measurable, sustainable, and scalable. 

Here you’ll find some of the ways the DEISS is leading the way on innovative partnerships between K-12 and higher education.

Kids participating in a zoom classroom presentation

K-12 Connect

More than 75,000 virtual tutoring sessions completed for K-12 learners.


Visit K-12 Connect

Student looking at GVPrep website in a classroom


Innovative college courses for ambitious high school learners on their journey to college.


Visit GVPrep

Student working together on operating a drone

Innovative School Choices

Partnering with communities to create incredible K-12 public schools that help more kids succeed.


Explore a GVSU charter public school

Adults at GVSU working together during a meeting around a table

Digital Credential Wallet

Empowering learners to verify and share their skills and experiences. 


Learn more about digital wallets

Page last modified June 8, 2023