Our Initiatives

DEISS re-imagines how higher education can improve learning for learners of all ages and interests. DEISS builds frictionless learning pathways that test our assumptions of what K-12 and higher education can achieve together. 

Adults working together in GV NextEd Co-Lab

GV NextEd Co-Lab

GV NextEd Co-Lab designs and incubates innovative learner pathways to and through college. We elevate ideas that evolve the way that higher education and K-12 work together to meet learner, workforce, and community needs. 


Learn more about GV NextEd Co-Lab

Student standing in front of a table at a convention

Charter Schools Office

The Charter Schools Office provides oversight and support for the nation’s second largest and most innovative portfolio of charter public schools, serving 35,000+ K-12 students. 


Learn more about the Charter Schools Office

Page last modified June 8, 2023