2024-2025 Board Training Series

Throughout each school year the GVSU CSO holds monthly training opportunities for the board members governing GVSU's charter public schools to enhance their capacity to effectively steer their schools toward fulfilling their mission.

All training sessions count toward the school board continuous learning requirements associated with the GVSU CSO Academic Grant.

All sessions are held virtually unless noted otherwise. Session dates and times may be subject to change.

Session Schedule

Charter School Governance: Upping Your Game with More Effective Meetings

Date: September 30, 2024

Time: 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.


  • Cheryl Edwards-Cannon --School Consultant, GVSU CSO
  • Matt Cawood -- School Consultant, GVSU CSO

Description: Charter school board meetings are open to the public, including the media. Everything said at a meeting has the possibility of being recorded, or repeated, in some fashion. Thinking ahead of ways to handle situations which may arise is good planning and demonstrates good leadership skills. Contentious issues may make it difficult to limit public comments and sensitive issues may not be easy to discuss.  Conflicts may also arise between board members. Board meetings, though, need to progress in an efficient and effective manner, using rules of procedure and best practices. Please join us for this Advanced Board Training session, where we will help you prepare to navigate challenging meetings.

Register for "Upping Your Game with More Effective Meetings"

Leveraging Your Legislative Power as School Board Members

Date: October 16, 2024

Time: 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Presenters: Marianne Fant --Grassroots & Outreach Director, MAPSA

Description: Relationships matter. Your voice has power. The time is now. Today we’ll explore effective legislative engagement strategies, emphasizing the critical need to advocate for public charter schools in MI. We will delve into the significance of fostering relationships with policymakers, stakeholders, and the community to advance the mission of public charter schools. Key strategies will include building relationships with lawmakers, attending in-district coffee hours, and organizing legislative school visits. It’s not just about the “what to do”, but more importantly, the “how to do it”. Connections make a difference, so it’s critical that we engage with our lawmakers who are making important decisions - decisions that could impact you. Leave the session with pocket facts and an arsenal of strategies you can implement immediately!

Register for "Leveraging Your Legislative Power"

New Charter Board Member Orientation (November)

Date: November 4, 2024

Time: 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Presenters: GVSU CSO

Description: Serving on a charter public school board is one of the most rewarding ways to give back to your community. Your service will not only impact the lives of the children who have chosen to enroll in your school, but also those of countless other adults—parents, teachers and staff, those living in the neighborhood, and more. In short, your work will impact a community. As a public official, you are also charged with the important responsibilities of ensuring that public funds are well stewarded your school operates with integrity, and academic excellence is always prioritized first. During the New Board Member Training you will learn the basics of good governance, where to find key information and get answers to any questions you may have about your new role.

Register for New Charter Board Member Orientation

Leveraging the Board's Unique Value as Part of Your School Success Strategy

Date: December 16, 2024

Time: 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.


  • Brooke Franklin -- School Consultant, GVSU CSO
  • Michael Cousins -- Associated Director of Community Outreach, GVSU CSO

Description: The most useful and under-utilized asset in advancing the mission of the school are board members. Every board member brings a strong combination of passion and influence to his or her board service that — if leveraged — can powerfully accelerate the school’s success. Being an active advocate/ambassador for your school is a part of each board member’s fundamental role and responsibility. This workshop will strengthen the board collective ability to elevate the school’s visibility by leveraging board members’ personal influence and networks.

Register for Leveraging Your Board's Unique Value as Part of Your School Success Strategy

School Performance by the Numbers

Date: January 15, 2025

Time: 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.


  • Matt Cawood -- School Consultant, GVSU CSO
  • Ram Ravikumar -- Manager of Data Analytics, GVSU CSO

Description: Every board member is responsible for ensuring the school is meeting its mission by creating a positively impactful education environment for kids. In this session, participants will review the accountability measures that are outlined in the charter contract goals, learn how to appropriately read the School Performance Report, and navigate MDE data websites.

Register for School Performance by the Numbers

Board Governance and Succession Planning

Date: February 13, 2025

Time: 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.


  • Matt Cawood -- School Consultant, GVSU CSO
  • Brooke Franklin -- School Consultant, GVSU CSO

Description: This session will focus on helping boards plan for transitions in board membership and help to lay a foundation for board recruitment by exploring the necessary skills and mindsets needed for success. Participants will engage in discussion about their current board, assessing their skills and participating in an activity designed to help the group discover the way they approach their work and their individual and collective mindsets. The group will profile ideal board members and discuss recruitment strategies and a process to fill their open board seats with members who add value and complement the existing group.

Register for Board Governance and Succession Planning

Understanding Your Charter Contract

Date: March 4, 2025

Time: 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Presenters: Gretchen LaHaie -- Deputy Director for School Accountability, GVSU CSO

Description: Your board’s charter contract defines the roles, relationship, and accountabilities between your school and GVSU. In this session, we will walk through the most important aspects of this document to cover the key pieces that every board member should know.

Register for Understanding Your Charter Contract

School Budgeting and Finance: Asking the Right Questions

Date: April 24, 2025

Time: 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.


  • Matt Cawood -- School Consultant, GVSU CSO
  • Pat Sweeney -- Partner, Marcum LLP

Description: As a charter school board member, one of your most important duties is ensuring your school is fiscally responsible and viable. This session will arm you with key questions you can ask in order to determine the fiscal health of your school.

Register for School Budgeting and Finance: Asking the Right Questions

Best Practice: Using an Efficient Governance Committee Structure

Date: May 22, 2025

Time: 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.


  • Matt Cawood -- School Consultant, GVSU CSO
  • Matt Missias -- School Consultant, GVSU CSO

Description: Consider adding a committee structure to your board with the goal of increasing your board’s effectiveness and efficiencies. During this session we will give you information on the types of committees to consider, how often they meet, and who should be on them. Whether you choose to add them or not, you will learn things that will increase your effectiveness as a board member.

Register for Best Practice: Using and Efficient Governance Committee Structure

Effective Charter School Governance: Evaluating Your Performance

Date: June 2, 2025

Time: 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.


  • Gretchen LaHaie -- Deputy Director for School Accountability, GVSU CSO
  • Matt Cawood -- School Consultant, GVSU CSO

Description: Coming soon

Register for Effective Charter School Governance Evaluating Your Performance

Page last modified July 31, 2024