I'm Doing Fine S4 E8: Peace Out, Peer Eds!


00:00:02 Lexi

Welcome back to the “I'm Doing Fine” podcast. This is our final episode of the year. I'm Lexie Medford, and I use they/them pronouns.

00:00:11 Katie B.

I'm Katie Bryant. I use she/her pronouns. 

Katie F. 

I'm also Katie. I also use she/her pronouns. 

00:00:16 Emma

I'm Emma Penney. I use she/her pronouns.

00:00:20 Lexi

And we have some really exciting news. We are introducing our two new Peer Eds for the next school year. So I know so exciting. Can we hear a little bit from you guys?

00:00:34 Jacob

Yeah. My name is Jacob Greig. I am a sophomore here at Grand Valley. I use he/him pronouns. I'm studying allied Health Science pre-PA and Psychology a little bit more about me. I like to travel, listen to music and just like practicing self-care techniques so that is a little bit about me and I am excited to join as a peer at.

00:01:00 Lexi


00:01:01 Usha

Hello everyone, this is Usha Pedapalli and I'm doing my Masters in Health Informatics and a little bit about myself. I like traveling and I like to listen music. And yeah, I'm very excited to join the Peer Eds.

00:01:16 Lexi

Yeah. And we are so excited to have you guys for next year and as this year comes to an end, we did want to talk about our favorite part of this semester. 

00:01:26 Katie B.

It's like it's yeah, this semester went by so fast. 

00:01:29 Lexi

It it really did too fast, too fast.

Katie B.

Yeah. And for me, while this is it kind of just hit me that it's like my last podcast. My last day as a Peer Ed, I know. But my favorite part of the semester, honestly, is just kind of like soaking in seeing everyone just like. My classes have been great this semester. I've enjoyed that and prepping for graduation and just kind of having like that perspective in this semester has just been kind of fun. And like, I don't know, I really enjoyed that. I don't know if I like favorite part of the semester.

00:02:03 Lexie

Yeah, I know how fun.

00:02:03 Katie B.

Just the semester. 

Katie F.

Um, I didn't have a favorite part of the semester. I honestly school really kicked my **** and I'm really ready to have a break.

00:02:18 Lexi

Yeah, dude.

00:02:20 Katie F.

But I honestly love like rain and thunderstorms, so I'm really loving the rain and thunderstorms. Yes, and I was like at the top floor of the library. Just with the window, it was awesome. I had a great time.

00:02:33 Lexi

That’s amazing. I'm on the other end of the spectrum I this is when my favorite semester so far like class wise, like not mental health wise but like class wise I just have really like really deeply enjoyed my classes and professors this semester and I am like genuinely devastated that it's going to be. So kind of saying goodbye to some professors you probably won't like have again, which is devastating or I've taken all of the classes they teach and so like, can't take them again.

00:03:04 Katie B.

Begging for another class!

00:03:04 Lexi

Literally, I'm like just like, just start something else like I don't even care what it is. I'll take it. So, yeah, I'm kind of like suppressing those feelings with enjoying spring because it's my favorite season, all the sunshine and warm weather has been incredible, so you know.

00:03:21 Emma

I also have enjoyed all my classes this semester and just getting more in depth over my program.

00:03:29 Emma

I love that the warm weather and like have flowers as sprouting and just being able to go outside. And just like since I'm a first year Peer Ed, I just love being part of this team just knowing each and one of you guys. And then I just love being able to meet other people and just interact with one another. 

00:03:52 Katie B.

Such a great time. We loved it.

00:03:59 Katie F.

So fun!

00:04:01 Emma

But as the year is coming to an end, we're going to talk about, like, our summer plans and our future plans for the next year. So for me, I'm studying abroad in Spain this summer, which I'm super excited for.

00:04:11 Lexi

Yeah, that's going to.

00:04:11 Katie B.

You're going to love it. Yeah. Take lots of pictures and travel and, like, honestly, if you don't feel like going out, go out anyways cause you're never gonna be there again with like in that capacity. And I also can't believe for next year's gonna be my final year of college. And I'm gonna be doing my internships. Don't know exactly where it is. Yes, but I'm excited for that.

00:04:35 Katie B.


00:04:35 Katie F.

Awesome. For sure.

00:04:38 Katie B.

Sorry for me, I'm kind of having a kind of crazy busy summer. I graduate in a week and then have a week off and then I start right into grad classes at Michigan State. I know, so I'm super excited to be going to Michigan State to continue School for School Psychology. So, I'll be working towards that, but I do still have the summer I'll be living at home just for the summer. And I'll be traveling while doing online classes. I'm going to Gulf Shores twice. Going to Florida might be going to Hawaii. I don't know. So and then I am gonna still work working at good old Pine Rest also be nannying and then in the fall, I will be moving, I don't know exactly where yet, it just depends on where my practicum is, but that will be where I will be at and I will be of course, listening to the your Peer Ed podcast and be supporting from afar wherever I may be.

00:05:36 Katie F.

It's gonna be so sad!

00:05:37 Katie B.

I know!

00:05:40 Lexi

Yeah, kind of same. I definitely have a busy, busy summer coming up. I am working as a research assistant for my sociology professor that I like love them so much and I've taken all the classes they teach, so this is like a way I can still hang out with them. So I'm really excited about that. And it's obviously like online because it's research, so it's very flexible. My family is going to Italy for three weeks. We're really excited about that. Very, very excited. I've not been not been. So I love Europe though so you're up those and my Hozier is is performing and we couldn't get tickets. My friend and I to the one in Grand Rapids. So we're doing Richards in Maine.

00:06:25 Katie F.

That's so random. 


Hopefully the tickets aren't fake lol and Sequoia, my dog and I are prepped and ready, and we're going to start doing rally trials coming up through AKC and hopefully get some titles. So we're very excited.

Katie F.

Mine's a little less fun. I have zero trips planned. I'm I'm honestly just going to work, make a lot of trips home to see my mom and my dog and my sister. Yeah, that's literally about it.

00:07:05 Katie B.

Sometimes you just need those summers to just like lay at the pool Grand Haven.

00:07:09 Katie F.

For Real. Yeah, because I'll be living here over the summer.

00:07:11 Lexi

Yeah, we can hang out. 

Katie F.

Go on to a little coffee shop or something.


I'll be here for real, for real. And then you guys have to share, like, you know, a ton. But what are you guys up to this summer?

00:07:24 Jacob

I personally will be taking a few psychology classes over the summer, so I am excited for that and just working as well. I don't have anything like exciting places to go either, but I'm just excited to kind of like have less classes and like learn more about like Psychology and like more towards like what I'm interested in. So I'm excited for that. 

00:07:45 Lexi

Yeah. So fun!

00:07:49 Usha

And I'm going to meet my sister after a long time. And she lives in California, and she has a baby who is turning 2 years. So I miss them. So I'm going to meet them in the summer.

00:08:01 Katie B.

Where in California?


It’s like Brentwood.

00:08:05 Katie F.

OK. Yeah, that's really fun. Yeah.

00:08:07 Lexi

Awesome. Are you going there? Are they coming here?

00:08:11 Usha

I'm going there.

00:08:13 Lexi

Oh, that’s so fun! I'm jealous of you. 

00:08:21 Katie F.

Even though it is the end of the year, we are of course gonna share our mindful moments. Can't forget that. So this week we're going to kind of focus on like how we're destressing before exams, even though this will probably be out after exams. This is how we're kind of getting through the last few weeks. I personally go on walks almost every single night with my roommates around like you guys know this circle.

00:08:50 Katie B.

I do. I do. I do and.

00:08:51 Lexi

I lived it. Everybody else.

00:08:53 Katie F.

Literally mean everybody else in Avondale, yeah.

00:08:59 Katie B.

Like that was going to say.  I’ve been doing lots of walks. Especially just with the warm weather coming out, no, that was literally mine. But I've been doing lots of walks. Especially just obviously with the warm weather, but I feel like just being outside, even just like doing nothing or doing homework outside, there's like so many balconies or just sitting like the pool isn't open at my apartment, but just sitting in the chairs there. I've just enjoyed, like, even studying in a space that's not super stressful has been helping me de-stress before exams.

00:09:11 Lexi


00:09:27 Lexi

Yeah, I mean really cool of you guys to steal like, both of mine. But it's fine. I've been trying to do more things that are, like, necessary, but outside. So instead of being like, you know, outside is an extra. And that's like fun time. Yeah, but you can do some of your required stuff like outside. I've been doing homework outside. I've been doing my work outside. Sequoia is like training outside and it's been.

00:09:51 Katie B.

Homework and like a hammock.

00:09:53 Lexi

I have been, yeah. I love my hammock. I truly.

00:09:56 Katie F. 

I need one.

00:09:56 Emma

I have never done.

00:09:58 Lexi

Ohh you do you do. I live in my hammock and then of course you all know, but going for walks. My favorite de-stressor. We love the park. Go to the ravines. It's my tip for the end. Go to the Ravines.

00:10:10 Emma

Yeah. For me, I like listening to music just like, distressing and like taking a break from my studies. Have to like worry about that and also just like spending time with friends for sure just I think that's the important part like just taking breaks from my studies. Just hang out with people who are important to you. 

00:10:32 Katie F. 

So Long story short, everybody go outside right now.

00:10:35 ALL

Yeah, for sure. 

00:10:40 Katie B.

Well, as our last podcast of this semester comes to an end, I did want to thank all of the current and the past and our new Peer Eds for just to feel really great past two years and everyone that I've worked with, I've really learned so much and I love talking to you guys all and creating this podcast. I wouldn't change anything about it. And I just wish you all a wonderful end of semester and good luck on exams and have a great summer, yeah.

00:11:09 Lexi

Thank you!


Bye bye!


Page last modified April 22, 2024