Past Events

DeVos Medical Ethics Colloquy Past Events

Bi-Annual DeVos Medical Ethics Colloquy 


March 18, 2024
The Ethics of Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Health Care
Speakers: Chris Sidey-Gibbons, PhD
                 Alex London, PhD
Moderated by: Andrew Spear, PhD
Event Recording: The Ethics of Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Health Care

September 18, 2023
Decision Making when Caring for Guarded Patients in Health Care
Speakers: Daniel Brudney, PhD
                 Erin Paquette, MD
Moderated by: Matthew Armstrong, MD
Event Recording: Decision Making when Caring for Guarded Patients in Health Care

March 20, 2023
Ethical Challenges: Dealing with Violent Situations in Healthcare
Speakers: Philip Rosoff MD, MPH
                 Autumn Fiester, PhD
Moderated by: Brandon Francis, MD
Event Recording: Ethical Challenges: Dealing with Violent Situations in Healthcare

September 26, 2022
Adolescent Consent: Who Decides?  
Douglas S. Diekema MD, MPH Power Point Presentation
Dominic Sisti, PhD  Power Point Presentation
Moderated by James B. Fahner, MD
Event Recording: Adolescent Consent: Who Decides?

March 21, 2022
Trust in Medical Science

Cailin O’Connor, Ph.D.
Joseph Pierre, MD
Moderated by: Shawn Ulreich, DSc, MSN, RN, NEA-BC
Event Recording: Trust in Medical Science

September 27, 2021
Triage and the Allocation of Scarce Resources 
Scott D. Halpern, M.D., Ph.D.
Bernard Lo, M.D.
Moderated by: Markay Riippa, D. Bioethics, MA, BSN, RN, CNML, HEC-C
Event Recording: Triage and the Allocation of Scarce Resources 

February 22, 2021
The Role of Religion in Health Care
Ana S. Iltis, PhD
Event Recording: The Role of Religion in Health Care

October 5, 2020
The Ethics of Futile Treatment
Gabriel Bosslet, MD
Stuart Youngner, MD
Event Recording: The Ethics of Futile Treatment

March 16, 2020
(Canceled Due to COVID-19)

October 14, 2019
The Power of Data and the Dilemma of Privacy
I. Glenn Cohen, J.D.
Bonnie Kaplan, Ph.D.
Event Recording: The Power of Data and the Dilemma of Privacy

March 25, 2019
Conscientious Objection in Health Care
Lauris Kaldjian, MD, Nancy Berlinger, PhD
Event Recording: Conscientious Objection in Health Care

September 17, 2018 
Ethics of Health Care Access
Larry Temkin, Ph.D.
T.R. Reid
Event Recording: Ethics of Health Care Access

March 26, 2018 
Ethics of Genome Editing
Matthew Porteus, MD, PhD, (Alta Charo, JD – unable to attend)

October 16, 2017 
The Ethics of Health Choices – Rationing
Steven Teutsch, MD, MPH
Susan Goold, MD, MHSA, MA

March 27, 2017 
The Ethics of Physician-Assisted Death
Robert Arnold, MD
Timothy Quill, MD
Event Recording: The Ethics of Physician-Assisted Death

September 26, 2016 
The Medicalization of Society
Jerome Wakefield, Ph.D.
Michael First, MD
Event Recording: The Medicalization of Society

March 14, 2016 
Is America Going to Pot?
Kevin Hill, MD, MHS,
Yasmin Hurd, MD
Event Recording: Is America Going to Pot?

October 26, 2015 
Ethics of Resource Allocation across the Lifespan
Mildred Solomon, EdD
Frederick Zimmerman, PhD
Event Recording: Ethics of Resource Allocation across the Lifespan

April 13, 2015 
Health Care Knowledge via the Media: Is More Information Better? – An Ethical Approach
Matthew Herper
Christine Laine, MD, MPH

September 8, 2014 
Ethics and Economics: New Drug Development
Ernst R. Berndt, PhD
Leonard M. Fleck, PhD

March 24, 2014 
Promises and Perils of Genetic Testing
David, E. Housman, PhD
Eric T. Juengst, PhD

September 16, 2013 
The Patient-Physician Relationship and the Impact of Systems on Healthcare Delivery
Eric M. Meslin, PhD 
Paul D. Scanlon, MD

March 25, 2013 
The Patient-Physician Relationship in the Context of the New Technological Reality
Joel Howell, MD, PhD
Howard Brody, Md, PhD

September 24, 2012 
American Healthcare: Ethical Dimensions of Financing Healthcare Reform
Larry R. Churchill, PhD
Robert E. Moffitt, PhD

March 26, 2012 
American Healthcare: Necessary Components of an Ethical Reformation
Theodore R. Marmor, PhD
E. Haavi Morreim, Jd, PhD

September 19, 2011 
Designer Life: Promises and Perils
Paul Keim, PhD
Laurie Zoloth, PhD

March 7, 2011 
Negotiating Death: Does Culture Matter?
Timothy E. Quill, MD
Barbara A. Koenig, PhD

September 27, 2010 
Vaccinations: Individual Responsibility or Societal Obligation?
Matthew Wynia, MD
Thomas May, PhD

March 8, 2010 
Rationing vs. Rationalizing Healthcare
Norman Daniels, PhD
Peter Ubel, MD

September 28, 2009 
Nature and Nurture: Their Contributions to Behavior
Turhan Canli, PhD
Philip M. Rosoff, MD

March 16, 2009 
The Mental Health Challenge: Treating Patients and Protecting Society
Paul S. Appelbaum, MD
Robert F. Schopp, PhD, JD

September 8, 2008 
Patient Rights vs Doctor Conscience
Farr A. Curlin, MD
R. Alta Charo, JD

March 24, 2008 
Public Policy vs. Personal Choice: The HPV Vaccine Debate
Diane Medbed Harper, MD
Neal A. Halsey, MD

September 10, 2007 
Universal Health Care
Frank Dobson, MP
Thomas R. Russell, MD

March 5, 2007 
Gene Ownership & Patents
Rebecca S. Eisenberg, PhD
Jorge A. Goldstein, PhD, JD

October 5, 2006 
The Beginning of Life
Maureen Condic, PhD
Rabbi David Krishef
Gilbert Meilaender, PhD
Abdulaziz Sachedina, PhD

March 2, 2006 
End of Life Care
Daniel Callahan, PhD

October 17, 2005 
The Human Genome and Genetic Intervention
William Hurlbut, MD

March 8, 2005 
Disparities in Healthcare in the USA
Carolyn Clancy, MD

Page last modified September 18, 2024