Our Team

Our Team

First Name

Last Name

photo of alyssa myers



Academic Advisor

Office Address
C-1-140 Mackinac Hall


I was born in Lansing and raised in Williamston, MI, a small town right next to MSU’s campus. I graduated with my Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology from Western Michigan University in 2017. I then went on to attend GVSU in the College Student Affairs Leadership program and graduated with my Masters of Education in 2019. Previously, I worked as the Graduate Assistant for the University Counseling Center/Career Center and was the intern for TRIO-STEM and Health Sciences here at GVSU. After graduation, I took a position at SUNY Oneonta in Oneonta, NY, as a Residence Hall Director and Advisor for NRHH. I previously worked here at Grand Valley with TRIO Student Support Services working with first-generation college students like myself, so you may recognize me. I am now excited to join CLAS as an Academic Advisor. Outside of work I live with my husband, dog Winston, a great dane/hound mix, and our kitty Moira (I will show you pictures if you ask) and I enjoy going to Lake Michigan, spending time with family and friends, gardening, reading, and painting.

Advising Areas: Art (all areas), Art Education, Dance, Film & Video Production, International Relations, Music, Photography, Political Science, Theatre

Schedule with Alyssa


Page last modified October 9, 2023