2021-2022 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog
- CIS 673 - Principles of Database Design (3 credits)
- CIS 675 - Compiler Construction (3 credits)
- CIS 676 - Database Management Systems (3 credits)
- CIS 677 - High-performance Computing (3 credits)
- CIS 678 - Machine Learning (3 credits)
- CIS 679 - Special Topics in Database Management (3 credits)
- CIS 680 - Special Topics in Computer Information Systems (3 credits)
- CIS 685 - Computing Practicum (1 credits)
- CIS 690 - Thesis Research Preparation (3 credits)
- CIS 691 - Medical and Bioinformatics Capstone (3 credits)
- CIS 692 - Master's Capstone (3 credits)
- CIS 693 - Master's Project (3 credits)
- CIS 695 - Master's Thesis (3 credits)
- CIS 696 - Continuation of Master's Project or Thesis Research (1 credits)
- CIS 697 - Professional Learning (1 to 3 credits)
- CIS 699 - Directed Readings in Computer Science (1 to 3 credits)