Community Resources

Community Food & Clothing Resources
Love Inc, Allendale: Food, Clothing and housing essentials
St. Luke's Food Pantry: Open second Thursdays of the month; 3-5pm.
Community Care at Life Stream Church Food Pantry
West Michigan Mobile Food Pantry Schedule
Michigan Food Assistance (SNAP/Bridges)
Other way Ministries - near Pew Campus
Community Food Club - Grand Rapids
The Women, Infants, Children Program (WIC)
Women’s Resource center: the business clothing boutique
In the Image: Basic Clothing and housing essentials
Emergency Housing
Local Community Shelter Listing
AYA Youth Collective
AYA Youth Collective is a local nonprofit that supporst youth 14 - 24 who are experiencing homelessness or at increased risk of homelessness. They provide housing to students who are in need of stable housing support to start the journey of long term stabilty.
Arbor Circle: Youth Services and Programs
Arbor Circle: Youth Services and Programs and homeless youth services support young adults, ages 16-20, who are experiencing homelessness and/or are without safe and stable housing.
Arbor Circle: Youth Services and Programs. Outreach staff provides basic needs and resources, builds positive relationships, and encourages youth to connect with available support systems and other community partners.
Call or text: Nikki (616) 295-6544 or Dani (616) 648-6788 or e-mail [email protected]
Housing Assessment Program
Housing Assessment Program: If you or someone you know is experiencing a housing crisis, please contact 2-1-1 (or 1-800-887-1107). The staff at 2-1-1 will talk to you about your current situation and discuss options for assistance and support
Covenant House
Covenant House Michigan is a nonprofit organization that provides hope to homeless, runaway and at-risk youth ages 18-24.
For more information on how to connect with any of the organizatoins above, please fill out a CARE referral to be connected to a member of our CARE Team.
Connect With More Community Resources
Heart of Michigan United Way: 2-1-1
Michigan Financial Assistance Programs
Men's Resource Center of Grand Rapids
NHBP Native Resource Center in GR
Michigan Crime Victim Services
Michigan Financial Assistance Programs
Free or Low Cost Child Care Programs
Ottawa County Parks & Recreation
Kent County Parks & Recreation