Social Justice & Big Data Repository
This is a curated page of links to websites and articles that would be of interest to faculty, staff, and students at GVSU and elsewhere. Included are links to data visualizations, articles, data repositories, and other collections that shed light on social justice issues, including Black Lives Matter. Please send suggestions for additions to Ed Aboufadel.
Data Visualizations
- The Best Map Ever Made of America's Racial Segregation, August 2013, Wired.
- Slave Voyages -- movements of slave ships from Africa and data to analyze.
- Gender Minority Homelessness, National Alliance to End Homelessness.
- Ten Visualizations That Depict the State of Criminal Justice Today, Alexander Frandsen, 2018.
- Detailed Maps Show How Neighborhoods Shape Children for Life, October 2018, New York Times.
- Mass Incarceration: The Whole Pie 2020, March 2020, the Prison Policy Initiative.
- Atlas of Surveillance, "Documenting Police Tech in Our Communities with Open Source Research", ongoing.
Articles and Videos
- Fair Justice Systems Need Open Data Access, Science Daily, 9 July 2020.
- The Perpetual Line-Up: Unregulated Police Face Recognition in America, Georgetown Law Center on Privacy & Technology, October 2016.
- How W.E.B. Du Bois Meticulously Visualized 20th-Century Black America, Jasmine Wheeler, 2019.
- Untangling the Role of Race in Capital Charging and Sentencing in North Carolina, 1990-2009, Barbara O'Brien, et al., 2016.
- Mathematicians Urge Ending Work With Police, Inside Higher Education, June 2020.
- Joy Buolamwini: How I'm Fighting Bias in Algorithms, TED Talk, November 2016.
- How Facial Recognition Led To False Arrest Of Black Man, NPR, June 2020. (See also articles in The NY Times, The Washington Post, and Wired.)
- Cathy O'Neil's blog (author of Weapons of Math Destruction).
- Nursing Homes Serving Minorities Offering Less Care Than Those Housing Whites, Jeff Kelly Lowenstein (GVSU faculty member), 2015.
- Can Mathematics Be Anti-Racist?, Tian An (of the American Mathematical Society), January 2020.
- Quantifying Injustice, Ursula Whitcher, July 2020.
- Using Big Data and Quantitative Methods to Estimate and Fight Modern Day Slavery, Monti Narayan Datta, 2014.
- Translational Health Disparities Research in a Data-Rich World, Nancy Breen et al., January 2019.
- When Data Meets Diversity, Brianna C. Heggeseth and Chad M. Topaz, December 2020.
- Predicting Financial Crime: Augmenting the Predictive Policing Arsenal, Brian Clifton, Sam Lavigne, and Francis Tseng.
- Video presentations from the March 2021 ICERM virtual conference: Mathematical and Computational Approaches to Social Justice
Other Collections and Teaching Resources
- Datasets from the Center for the Study of Racism, Social Justice, and Health
- Projects from Peace-Work ("Peace-Work is a volunteer cooperative of statisticians, data scientists and other researchers applying analytics to issue-driven advocacy.")
- Eviction Tracking (for selected cities)
- Criminal Justice datasets (University of Cincinnati)
- Data for Black Lives
- Math and Social Justice curriculum resources