Alcohol Education Workshop (AEW)

What is an Alcohol Education Workshop?

This is an educational, two-hour workshop focused on responsible and safe alcohol use. This workshop is designed to provide education to students related to alcohol awareness, health and safety issues with binge drinking, state laws focusing on minors and alcohol use, reflecting on personal alcohol use, and self-assessment. This workshop is open to currently enrolled students who have been referred or students who are seeking more information about their own use.

Students who are referred to the Alcohol Education Workshop must attend the entire two-hour workshop in order to meet the requirements of the university sanction. If a student needs documentation to meet court requirements, AOD staff will provide a letter verifying attendance. The documentation fee is $10 per letter and the student is responsible to make sure this letter meets the needs of their probation officer, judge, or lawyers. 

Please use your GVSU User ID & Password for Registration

Email Us to Sign Up for a Workshop

Request Documentation   

Page last modified November 15, 2023