Our Computing Expertise

Student and professor in front of a whiteboard, protoyping a mobile app


Apps are ubiquitous and tightly integrated into our daily lives. They help facilitate decision making and communication in our work and play. Apps often serve as the front-end to other devices and systems that gather data within their respective environments and help us live healthier lives, or better understand and respond to complex problems, such as the decline of honey bee populations.

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Lock ontop of laptop keyboard signifying Cybersecurity


The cybersecurity landscape is ever-changing. Even as old vulnerabilities get patched, new vulnerabilities continually are created, and new threats are developed by attackers intent on exploiting poor security for their own gain. Cybersecurity expertise is needed to recognize the current threats, determine how they apply to your organization, and develop the best solutions to protect your organization against the threats and attacks it is likely to face.

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ACI Faculty explaining Data Science Concept to student

Data Science - Machine Learning & A.I

In recent years, many applications have become more helpful, personal, and informative. At the core of many of these applications are the techniques of Data Science. The techniques are used to learn from the data that is collected and archived by the host organizations. The new knowledge can be applied to many areas.

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Overlooking the shoulder of someone looking at heath data on a computer screen

Health Informatics

Since Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems are mission-critical to healthcare delivery organizations and must be integrated with their plethora of other information systems, there are emerging tools for innovation adding value and convenience the sometimes inflexibility and challenging user interfaces of current EHRs. The most promising candidate to serve as such a platform is SMART on FHIR. A growing number of institutions are using SMART on FHIR to innovate on top of commercial EHRs. Granted, some of the commercial EHR systems (e.g., Epic) currently support the Fast Health Interoperability Resources (FHIR) standard incompletely, but as SMART on FHIR matures, this will be a great platform for apps that read and write data from the EHR.

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Close up view of a computer server

High Performance Computing

The Olympic motto is: “Faster, Higher, Stronger”. In computing a similar motto is: “Faster, Larger and Cheaper”. The evolution of the hardware capabilities of computers over the last sixty years has been remarkable: computers have become faster; their capacity to store data has grown tremendously and it possible to store much larger data sets and the prices per unit of computing and storage capacities have continued to fall, making all kinds of applications feasible.

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Page last modified September 23, 2022