ACI to Host AWS Developer Immersion Day on Generative AI
ACI will host an AWS Developer Immersion day for the second time on January 26th from 12pm - 4pm. Join us for a workshop on Generative AI on Amazon Sagemaker.
Dec 19, 2023
ACI will host an AWS Developer Immersion day for the second time on January 26th from 12pm - 4pm. Join us for a workshop on Generative AI on Amazon Sagemaker.
Dec 19, 2023
The research paper titled "Visualizing Software Test Requirements Using NLP and Human-In-The-Loop Approach" has been accepted for publication and presentation to the Track on Data-drIven Software Engineering (DISE 2023) at the SIMBIG 2023 conference.
Sep 28, 2023
ACI is excited to host a workshop offered by Amazon, entitled Create a Chatbot with Amazon Lex Immersion Day on the GVSU Health Campus.
Apr 20, 2023
Come and attend the talk by Dr. Joshua Engelsma, where he sheds light on the recent trends and challenges in the area of Automated Fingerprint Identification Systems (AFIS) and how recent advances in computer vision can tackle some of those challenges.
Feb 3, 2023
Abu Naweem Khan, a special project Graduate Assistant, and Dr. Rahat Rafiq published their research paper titled "A Preliminary Analysis of Twitter's LGBTQ+ Discussions" at the 9th International Conference on Information Management and Big Data.
Nov 30, 2022