Prior U/G Students

Darrick Gates
2018 U/G Fall Study: Awarded a Bill and Diana Wipperfurth Scholarship, Darrick Gates studies better detection methods of E. coli
Currently: Darrick is currently working on a Michigan Department of Agriculture & Rural Development (MDARD) research funded project examining E. coli presence in agricultural produce using Imaging Flow Cytometry

Darrick Gates
2018 U/G study: AWRI Undergraduate Summer Internship - Harmful Algal Blooms (HABS) analysis using Imaging Flow Cytometry
Currently: Darrick is currently working on a Michigan Department of Agriculture & Rural Development (MDARD) research funded project examining E. coli presence in agricultural produce using Imaging Flow Cytometry

Jennifer Kovach, BS
2017 U/G study: NSF REU (Award #1461249) summer fellow - Immunology of Michigan rattlesnakes
Currently: Jennifer is an MS graduate student at Grand Valley State University working on the immunology of rattlesnakes

Rebekah Bryant
2017 U/G study: NSF REU (Award #1461249) summer fellow - Viral ecology of sediment cores of Lake Michigan
Currently: Rebekah is a fourth-year student at Rice University. She is nearly finished a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biological Sciences and an Environmental Science degree.

Marielys Santana
2016 U/G study: NSF REU (Award #1461249) summer fellow - Viral particles associated with Quagga mussels
Currently: We presume Marielys is near completion or has completed her BS.

Jacob Rumschlag, BS
2016 U/G study: Herbert VanderMey Intern - Toxin analysis of microcystis using flow cytometry
Currently: Jacob is currently an MS student at the University of Michigan, located in Ann Arbor, MI

Kelsey Hubble, BS
2015 U/G study: NSF REU (Award #1461249) summer fellow - Viruses of Muskegon Lake
Currently: Kelsey is currently working as an Associate Formulation Scientist at STERIS, located in Saint Louis, Missouri
Email: [email protected]

Hannah Franko, BS
2015 U/G study: NSF REU (Award #1461249) summer fellow - Isolation, purification, and identification of coral diseases
Currently: Hannah is currently a Patient Care Assistant at Mercy, located in Aurora, CO
Email: [email protected]

Emily Luke, BS
2015 U/G study: Increased presence of Cercarial dermatitis (caused by cercariae of Austrobilharzia variglandis), known as "Swimmers Itch", in Michigan Lakes
Currently: Emily is a Pharmacy Technician at Walgreens Pharmacy, located in Wayne, MI.

Courtney Cave, BS
2014 U/G study: Diseases of zebra mussels
Currently: Courtney is in Medical School here in Michigan.
Courtney Cave, BS
2013 U/G study: Diseases of Diporeia
Currently: Courtney is in Medical School here in Michigan.

Justin Rizzari, Ph.D.
2010 U/G study: Reef restoration practices
Currently: Dr. Justin Rizzari is a Lecturer in Fisheries Science, School of Life and Environmental Sciences at Deakin University, Australia
Campus: Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus
Phone: +61 3 522 73141
Homepage: (outdated link)
Email: [email protected]

Misti (Grohmann) Johnson, MS
2010 U/G study: Immunology of Leptogorgia virgulata
Currently: Misti works as a HES Professional at Marathon Oil Corporation, located in San Antonio, Texas
Email: [email protected]

Dale Cochran, MS
2009 U/G study: Ocean acidification and microalgae as biofuels
Currently: Dale works as a Laboratory and Life Science Technician at Trinity University, located in San Antonio, Texas.
Michelle White, MS
2007 U/G study: Toxicity of MTBE (Methyl tert-butyl ether) on gorgonian corals as invasive species
Currently: Michelle currently works as a Project Assessor at Partner Engineering & Science, Inc. (located in San Antonio Texas).
Email: [email protected]

Logan Squiers, MS
2007 U/G study: Decoding the mysteries of fire corals of the Bahamas
Currently: Logan currently works as an Environmental Engineer at Georgia-Pacific, LLC (located in Corvallis, Oregon).

Michelle White, MS
2006 U/G study: Effects of toluene, a gasoline component, on coral reef habitat
Currently: Michelle currently works as a Project Assessor with Partner Engineering & Science, Inc (San Antonio, TX)
Email: [email protected]

Alyssa (Dailey) Squiers
2006 U/G study: Suitability of gorgonian reef habitat for fish in Laguna Madre
Currently: Alyssa Squiers is currently an Aquarium Science and Biology Faculty member at Oregon Coast Community College, located in South Beach, Oregon.
Larissa (Bright) Dias, MS
2006 U/G study: Extraction of chemically important compounds from deep-sea corals.
Currently: Larissa is currently a Ph.D. student at Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi.
Amber Miller, MS
2006 U/G study: The effects of global warming on giant barrel sponges (Xestospongia muta) in the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary
Currently: Amber works as a biologist with the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) located in Houston, TX.

Heather L. Butler
2006 U/G study: Temperature susceptibility of Montastraea cavernosa to heat stress.