#232 Newsletter - March and April 2023

Pictures of Rick Rediske's Lab students work in the lab doing things such as looking at wastewater samples.

Rediske Lab members: Brendan May (Left), Renée Tardani (Middle), Alexis Porter (Right)


The emergence of SARS-CoV-2 has ushered in a new era for tracking deadly diseases including viruses. Dr. Rick Rediske and his lab, in collaboration with the State of Michigan and others, has been an integral part of the Michigan Epidemiology – Wastewater Evaluation and Reporting Network (SEWER) Project. This program is a collaborative statewide surveillance network known as the Michigan Network of Environmental Health and Technology (MiNET) consisting of universities, tribal communities, laboratories, health departments, and utilities across the state. This project is coordinated by Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) with Michigan State University (MSU) as the State’s technical lead. This work involves quantifying viral RNA from wastewater influent. Quantification includes a stepwise method adopted by the State that concentrates and isolates RNA from wastewater samples. The purified viral RNA extracts are evaluated utilizing advanced polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology known as droplet digital PCR (ddPCR).  The network will showcase three years of data from Michigan’s wastewater surveillance network at a statewide conference in May.  Attendees will include EGLE, CDC, WEF, local health departments, tribal communities, utilities, and academic labs from across the State of Michigan. Planning the future directions of this surveillance system and future pathogen tracking will be a central focus of the conference.

The Rediske Lab has played a significant role in data collection and analysis. Collaboration between AWRI and MSU has resulted in publications and ideas for future work on tracking SARS-CoV-2 variants in the population. AWRI technical lead, Alexis Porter, has worked with both MSU and GT-Molecular on tracking variants in the population. With the help of Jackson Lab head, Dr. Charlyn Partridge, collaborative efforts on high throughput sequencing of the wastewater samples are underway to obtain quantitative genomic data on the composition of local samples from throughout Muskegon and Ottawa County, as well as the Grand Valley State University main campus in Allendale, Michigan. This information will advance understanding of disease dynamics throughout the local population that may offer insights on increased endemicity as new variants of concern develop and enhance understanding of seasonality of the virus emerges. Brendan May joined the Rediske team in March 2023 and will assist both Renée Tardani, SEWER Technician, and Alexis Porter, Lead Technician, on wastewater surveillance for SARS-CoV-2. All data created by the Rediske Lab can be found on local, State, and national wastewater surveillance dashboards linked below.





Christina Catanese and Amanda Syers attended the train-the-trainer workshop on March 8th at Central Michigan University as part of their Michigan Environmental Education Curriculum Support (MEECS) contract from EGLE. Through this project, AWRI and other partners will offer statewide educator workshops on MEECS including the Water Quality and Ecosystems/Biodiversity units, which were recently updated. The training reviewed the updates to the units, provided attendees with opportunities to practice some of the hands-on activities, and discussed best practices for presenting the units to teachers as we develop our workshops (to be offered in Fall 2023).

Christina Catanese reported that a team of AWRI Science Instructors represented the Institute at Water Pool-ooza on March 11th. Water Pool-ooza is an educational event designed to help 4th-12th grade students from the Grand Rapids area learn about career opportunities protecting freshwater. It was offered by the City of Grand Rapids Water System and Grand Rapids Community College for the first time this year.

Christina Catanese reported that a group of AWRI Science Instructors had an exhibit at the Science Olympiad on March 18th.

Christina Catanese attended the Groundswell Professional Development Committee meeting on March 21st.

Sarah Hamsher is developing a Women in STEM poster, as part of the Biology Department DEIAB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility, and Belonging) committee.

Mark Luttenton attended a unit head training symposium offered by the Consortium of Colleges of Arts and Science on February 20th – 21st.

Mark Luttenton was invited by researchers at Michigan State University and Ohio State University to serve on a Technical Advisory Board linked to a grant proposal submitted to the Great Lakes Climate and Energy section of NSF.

Mark Luttenton is part of a working group developing a climate change model for the Au Sable River.

Mark Luttenton is working with a Manistee River organization that will submit a grant proposal for nutrient analysis on Manistee River tributaries.

Mark Luttenton is working on a grant proposal to do additional radio telemetry on trout in the North Branch of the Au Sable River.

Jim McNair hosted weekly Zoom meetings of the "Inland Lakes Group" a sub-set of MiNET.

Charlyn Partridge registered for the 1st annual International eDNA meeting through the eDNA Society in Otsu, Japan. She submitted an abstract for this meeting on evaluating the use of airborne eDNA for tracking invasive species on March 17th.

Charlyn Partridge was out in the field on March 20th with individuals from the Canada Forestry Service to learn their methods compare Hemlock Wolly Adelgid (HWA) detection protocols.

Charlyn Partridge attended weekly Zoom meetings to discuss the COVID wastewater project and the summer beach sampling project. They will begin incorporating sequencing approaches for variant testing in their wastewater samples.

Charlyn Partridge reviewed 25 Catalysts/Collaborative grants for the Research and Development Committee meeting held on May 24th.

Charlyn Partridge participated in the MLSA conference this year is May 5th - 6th at Crystal Mountain Resort. She is coordinating student presentations for this event.

Rick Rediske reported that the analytical lab is seeing a decrease in COVID detections in wastewater, and they are working on implementing sequencing methods to track variants.

Rick Rediske assisted in the writing of the 2023 beach monitoring grants (inland lakes and Lake Michigan) to Public Health – Muskegon County.

Rick Rediske attended the Michigan PFAS Community Advisory Workgroup on March 14th and the Wolverine Community Advisory Group on March 16th. The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) rejected Wolverine’s workplan for treating contaminated groundwater at the Rockford Tannery site.

Rick Rediske presented on PFAS for the Michigan Township Association meeting on April 19th. This was a joint presentation with the Michigan PFAS Action Response Team (MPART).

Members of the Rediske lab will be submitting abstracts for the Wastewater Monitoring Conference to be held in Lansing on May 17th – 18th. Alexis Porter is on the planning committee for the conference.

Carl Ruetz reported that Nick Vander Stelt, a graduate student working with Carl, successfully defended his thesis on February 27th. He is working on making final revisions to his thesis and will graduate this semester.

Carl Ruetz attended a Blackboard Ultra Essentials training webinar on March 17th.

Carl Ruetz attended a training webinar titled “Understanding & Interpreting Implicit Bias 201” on March 20th.

Carl Ruetz attended a training webinar on Navigate on March 29th to support undergraduate advising.

Carl Ruetz is the faculty advisor for the Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences Club. The club had their first meeting on March 2nd in Allendale.

Al Steinman continues to attend board meetings as a member of Alliance for the Great Lakes, Goodwill, and West Michigan Symphony.

Al Steinman reviewed proposals for USGS.

Al Steinman was a reviewer of the new Sea Grant director (University of Michigan)

Al Steinman reviewed a manuscript for the journal Ecotoxicology and Environmental Science.

Al Steinman was reappointed to the National Academy of Sciences Committee for Independent Science Review of Everglades Restoration Progress.

Al Steinman attended a meeting for the International Joint Commission, Ecosystem Services Valuation.

Al Steinman attended a meeting of the International Joint Commission, Great Lakes Early Warning System.

Al Steinman attended a meeting with EGLE to discuss innovative approaches to runoff.

Al Steinman attended a meeting with WMSRDC regarding the Muskegon River watershed plan.

Al Steinman, Jamie Cross, and Captain Eric Hecox attended the monthly Bebot meeting.

Al Steinman attended the March meeting of the Great Lakes Advisory Board.

Al Steinman had several meetings with GVSU University Development.

Al Steinman participated in the PACES mentorship panel for the GVSU Graduate School on March 24th.

Amanda Syers attended the monthly Project WET coordinator meeting on March 15th.

Sean Woznicki attended a Biology Graduate Program meeting on February 17th.

Sean Woznicki attended a Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Program committee meeting on March 2nd.

Sean Woznicki attended a GVSU GIS Committee Meeting on March 17th.

Sean Woznicki was an Event Supervisor for Michigan Science Olympiad’s Remote Sensing C event on March 18th.

April Activities:

Christina Catanese reported that the AWRI Educational Program has started the 2023 season.  The D.J. Angus launched the week of April 10th with the first trips the week of April 17th; the W.G. Jackson launched the week of April 17th with the first trips the week of April 24th. The landside programs started the week of April 24th, providing place-based learning on the AWRI campus.

Christina Catanese reported that a team of AWRI’s science instructors represented AWRI at the Grand Haven Earth Day event on April 29th.

Mark Luttenton is currently reviewing a grant proposal for the US Fish and Wildlife Service.

Mark Luttenton attended the Anglers of the Au Sable Board meeting on April 1st.

Mark Luttenton attended the Michigan Lakes and Streams conference on May 5th – 6th.

Charlyn Partridge will be presenting a paper in Otsu, Japan, at for the 1st annual International eDNA meeting sponsored by the eDNA Society. She will be gone from May 14th – 24th for the meeting.
Partridge, C.G.M. Sanders**, K. Geller*, A. Locher, K. Dunham**, and R. Tardani. 2023. Using airborne eDNA techniques to track invasive species in high-quality hemlock forests. 1st Annual International eDNA Meeting. Otsu, Japan.

Charlyn Partridge attended weekly Zoom meetings to discuss the COVID wastewater project and the summer beach monitoring project. They will begin incorporating gene sequencing to test for variants in the wastewater samples.

Charlyn Partridge attended a MLSA Board of Directors meeting on April 13th.

Charlyn Partridge reviewed 25 Catalysts/Collaborative grants for the GVSU Research and Development Committee. The committee met to decide on grant recipients and to discuss changes to these programs and website.

The Rediske lab has eight posters accepted for the Wastewater Monitoring Conference to be held in Lansing on May 17th – 18th.

Rick Rediske hosted a PFAS field trip and co-chairing a session on PFAS for the Geological Society of America North Central Section Conference on May 3rd and May 4th.

Carl Ruetz attended the Science Express Advising event in Kindschi Hall on April 5th.

Carl Ruetz attended the Laker Open House at GVSU’s Fieldhouse on April 7th.

Carl Ruetz and Jacob Yingling attended the Kindshi Fellowship Lunch in Padnos Hall on April 12th.

Carl Ruetz served as host for AWRI seminar speaker Dr. Mark Christie on April 14th.

Carl Ruetz met with staff from the CLAS Advising Center in Mackinac Hall on April 17th.

Carl Ruetz attended the West Michigan Watershed Partnership meeting on April 20th.

Carl Ruetz attended the Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Club’s meeting at AWRI on April 6.

Al Steinman attended a meeting of the Great Lakes Advisory Board, climate resiliency work group, to inform the next GLRI Action Plan.

Al Steinman attended a meeting of the International Joint Commission regarding a Great Lakes Early Warning System.

Al Steinman attended a meeting of the US National Academy of Sciences everglades restoration oversight committee.

Al Steinman attended board meetings as a member of Goodwill and the West Michigan Symphony.

Sean Woznicki was invited to serve as a trainer for the NASA-European Space Agency (ESA) Trans-Atlantic Training 2023 “Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring and Modelling” while in Brno, CZ (June 30th). 

Sean Woznicki met with Eric Bellmore, Director, Academic Research Computing regarding potential computing and data storage options for AWRI on April 6th.

Presentations and Publications

AWRI staff are bolded, undergraduate students are denoted with a single asterisk*, graduate students are denoted with two asterisks**, and post-doc researchers are donated with three asterisks ***.


March Publications:
(* indicates undergraduate student author; ** indicates a graduate student author)

Bopi Biddanda and others from his lab had an article published in GVSU’s Regional Math & Science Center newsletter, InterChange:
Biddanda, B., A. Weinke and I. Stone. 2023. The 1 mm journey: Daily microbial movement that possibly shaped the biosphere. InterChange, Connections for the STEM Classroom, 3(1), March 2023.

Nate Dugener, graduate student working with Bopi Biddanda, was lead author of an article accepted to Journal of Great Lakes Research:
Dugener, N.**, I. Stone, A. Weinke and B. Biddanda. In Press. Out of oxygen: Stratification and loading drove hypoxia during a warm, wet, and productive year in a Great Lakes estuary. Journal of Great Lakes Research.

Bopi Biddanda’s article from February 2023 on Sinkhole Science in the Journal of Great Lakes Research, Volume 49, Issue 1 was featured on the cover of Journal of Great Lakes Research April 2023, volume 49, issue 2

John Hart, graduate student working with Rick Rediske, had the second chapter of his MS thesis published in the Journal of Environmental Management:
Hart, J.J.**, M.N. Jamison, J.N. McNair, S.A. Woznicki, B. Jordan, and R.R. Rediske. 2023. Using watershed characteristics to enhance fecal source identification. Journal of Environmental Management, 336, 117642.https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301479723004309

April Publications:

The Biddanda lab authored an article recently published in GVSU Regional Math and Science’s newsletter InterChange:
Stone, I., A. Weinke, K. Dennis, N. Dugener**, C. Odebrecht, J. Medina-Sanchez and B. Biddanda. Saving Biodiversity to Save Our Life-Sustaining Biosphere. A review of the World Wildlife Fund Report “Living Planet 2022: Building a Nature-Positive Society”. InterChange, Connections for the STEM Classroom, 3 (2), April 2023.

John Hart, graduate student working with Rick Rediske, had a paper accepted to the Journal of Water and Health:
J.J. Hart**, M.N. Jamison, J.N. McNair, D.C. Szlag. In Press. Frequency and degradation of SARS-CoV-2 markers N1, N2, and E in sewage. J Water Health 2023; jwh2023314. doi: https://doi.org/10.2166/wh.2023.314

Charlyn Partridge is a co-author of a paper accepted to the journal Ecology and Evolution.
Swinehart A, C. Partridge, A. Russell, A. Thacker, J. Kovach, and J. Moore. In Press. Diet of a threatened rattlesnake (eastern massasauga) revealed by DNA metabarcoding.

Charlyn Partridge is lead author of a paper accepted to the journal Botany.
Partridge, C.G., P. Nyamai, A. Hoskins*, and S. Parks. In Press. Butterfly Blues: Population Genetic Assessment of wild lupine (Lupinus perennis L.) in endangered Karner Blue butterfly habitat around central-west Michigan.

Al Steinman was a co-author of an article for the Southeast Michigan Community Foundation:
Austin, J., A. D. Steinman, and A. Weinstein. The Great Lakes Way: Enriching Life at the Heart of the Great Lakes. For the Southeast Michigan Community Foundation. February 2023.



March Presentations:

Rick Rediske presented a lecture on PFAS for GVSU’s Natural Resources Management 330 class on March 27th and conducted a field trip to the Rockford PFAS sites.

Members of the Ruetz lab attended the joint meeting of the Michigan Chapters of the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society held in Bellaire, Michigan from March 22nd – 24th. The lab gave five presentations at the conference:
Silverhart, M.**, C.R. Ruetz III, M.J. Cooper, and D.G. Uzarski. Poster. Fish assemblage structure in Great Lakes coastal wetlands.
Yingling, J.*, T. Hoyt**, and C.R. Ruetz III. Poster. Temporal effects of preservation on the shape and size of Yellow Perch.
Hoyt, T.**, and C.R. Ruetz III. Poster. Temporal patterns of profundal fish assemblages in Lake Michigan drowned river mouths.
Fleser, A.S.**, and C.R. Ruetz III. Poster. Restoring lateral connectivity to a Muskegon River wetland.
Vander Stelt, N.**, C.R. Ruetz III, D. Mayes, B. Fessell, and C. Goble. Oral. Prioritizing streams for Arctic Grayling reintroduction: implications for the Boardman-Ottaway River.

Al Steinman presented “Revitalization of Muskegon Lake” to the Muskegon Lions Club on March 2nd.

Al Steinman presented “Stormwater Treatment Area Water Quality and CERP Progress” at the Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Conference, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

Al Steinman and Michael Hassett presented to the Green Lake Lake Association in Leighton Township on March 28, titled “Green Lake Watershed Assessment”.

Sean Woznicki was a guest lecture at Calvin University, Department of Geology, Geography, and Environment titled Water Scarcity in the Serbian Danube: Climate Change and Agricultural Land Use on March 31st.

April Presentations:

Bopi Biddanda and his graduate student Nate Dugener presented a poster at a Civic Engagement Event held on the Pew campus on April 6th:
Biddanda, B and N. Dugener**. From observations to discoveries: Lake observing science in Muskegon Lake.

Mark Luttenton’s undergraduate Honors student, Isabella Hammond, presented her research at GVSU’s Student Scholars Day on April 10.

Charlyn Partridges’ undergraduate research students, Elliot Fair and Colleen McClure, presented their capstone research projects. Elliot is a NRM major and Colleen is a CMB major.

Rick Rediske gave a presentation to ENS 201 on Environmental Science Careers on April 18th.

Rick Rediske gave a presentation to the Michigan Townships Association held in Traverse City on April 19th titled, “PFAS: What townships can do”.

Jacob Yingling, undergraduate student working with Carl Ruetz, presented a poster on his research at GVSU’s Student Scholars Day on April 10.

Al Steinman gave a presentation to Holland Area Senior Professionals on April 6 titled, “The Revitalization of Muskegon Lake”.

Al Steinman gave a presentation at the Spring Lake Library on April 12 titled, “New and Old Threats to our Great Lakes”.

Al Steinman gave a presentation at the Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration (GEER) 2023 Conference.
Reddy, R., Driscoll, C., Boggess, W. and A.D. Steinman (presenter).  Stormwater Treatment Area (STA) Water Quality and CERP Progress. Greater Everglades Ecosystem Research Conference. April, 2023. Coral Springs, FL.

Undergraduate student, Jacquelyn Molloseau, working with Al Steinman, presented her research at the GVSU Student Scholar Day on April 10 titled “Chloride and Phosphorus in salt contaminated soils”.

Al Steinman’s Graduate Student, Paris Velasquez, presented a poster at the Emerging Contaminants in the Environment Conference in Champaign, IL in April titled, “Effect of microplastic biofilms on an anthropogenically impacted urban lake”.

Sean Woznicki was a guest lecture for GPY 470 (Digital Image Processing) on using Google Earth Engine for land cover classification on April 10th.

Grants, Contracts, Awards, and Recognition


Carl Ruetz received a CSCE Dissemination Grant in the amount of $800 to help with the cost of attending the Freshwater Sciences conference to be held in Brisbane, Australia in June.


Mark Luttenton received $15,000 funding from the Anglers of the Au Sable to use telemetry to study trout movement in response to warmer stream temperatures. 

Al Steinman was awarded $10,000 by GVSU’s Center for Scholarly and Creative Excellence to research preventing harmful algal blooms.

Al Steinman received an EPA contract worth $40,000 to fund research related to preventing harmful algal blooms.

Al Steinman was awarded $18,000 from Norton Shores and Spring Lake Townships to conduct monitoring on Little Black Lake.

Al Steinman was awarded $24,787 from the Bear Lake-Lake Board to conduct 2023 Bear Lake Monitoring.


March Awards:

Kate Geller, undergraduate student working with Charlyn Partridge, was awarded a S3 (Student Summer Scholar) fellowship to compare HWA detection methods commonly used by the Canada Forestry Service to eDNA traps used in the Partridge lab.

Katelyn Anderson, graduate student working with Kevin Strychar, was awarded a Michigan Space Grant Consortium (MSGC) NASA fellowship for 2023.

April Awards:

John Hart, graduate student working with Rick Rediske, received the Graduate Dean’s Citation for Outstanding Publication by a graduate student for his paper titled “Using watershed characteristics to enhance fecal source identification”, published in the Journal of Environmental Management.

Rick Rediske received the GVSU Graduate Student Association Outstanding Graduate Student Mentoring Award.

AWRI News and Events


“Conserving Michigan Fisheries”
Horizons, Winter 2023
Nick Vander Stelt, graduate student working with Carl Ruetz, is highlighted for his work to re-introduce Arctic Grayling to streams in northern Michigan.
Horizons Winter 2023 Student Spotlight - Giving to Grand Valley - Grand Valley State University (gvsu.edu)

“GVSU Annis Water Resources Institute seeks seasonal science instructors for research vessels”
InterChange Newsletter, GVSU Regional Math & Science Center, March 2023.

“’A True toxicant’: Oil refinery dumps tons of polluted wastewater into Lake Michigan”
WOOD-TV 8, March 12, 2023
‘A true toxicant’: Oil refinery dumps tons of polluted wastewater into Lake Michigan | WOODTV.com
Rick Rediske was interviewed regarding toxins being put into Lake Michigan.

“Advocates hail EPA’s proposed PFAS limit as ‘a real victory’.
WOOD-TV, March 14, 2023
Advocates hail EPA’s proposed PFAS limit as ‘a real victory’ | WOODTV.com
Rick Rediske was quoted regarding proposed PFAS limits.


“Hidden gem lake near Muskegon to get water quality study ahead of preservation plan”
MLive, April 13, 2023
AWRI was mentioned for providing the water quality study and report.

“Michigan brine brouhaha: Proposed limits for unpaved roads prompt dustup”
Bridge Michigan, April 14, 2023
Al Steinman is quoted regarding the use of road salt and its effects on the environment.

“Meijer expands partnership to clean beaches, waterways”
The Shelby Report: your source for grocery news and supermarket insights,
Independent Store News, Midwest, April 18, 2023
AWRI is mentioned as a partner in the Bebot and drone.

“Meijer boosts Great Lakes plastic cleanup effort with new $550K donation”
Crain’s Grand Rapids Business, April 18, 2023
AWRI is mentioned as a partner on the Bebot and drone projects that target removal of plastics from beaches and surface water.

“Robots, drones to help clean Lake Michigan beaches”
Insight On Business, April 19, 2023
AWRI is mentioned as a partner on the Bebot and drone projects that target removal of plastics from beaches and surface water.
Robots, drones to help clean Lake Michigan beaches | Education | insightonbusiness.com

“Meijer expands commitment to Great Lakes with $1.5M+ in donations”
Drug Store News, April 20, 2023
AWRI is mentioned as a partner on the Bebot and drone projects that target removal of plastics from beaches and surface water.
Meijer expands commitment to Great Lakes with $1.5M+ in donations | Drug Store News

Al Steinman is quoted regarding the use of brine on roads and the effect on water quality in:
Michigan brine brouhaha: Proposed limits for unpaved roads prompt dustup, Great Lakes Now.
Also reported in, “Michigan brine brouhaha: Proposed limits for unpaved roads prompt dustup” Bridge Michigan, April 25, 2023.

Al Steinman was interviewed about a plastic balloon bill by:
Byron Tollofson (WOOD-TV), April 27th, 2023. https://www.woodtv.com/news/michigan/bill-banning-balloon-releases-aims-to-protect-great-lakes/



March 7 - WMEAC Climate Action Task Force (10:00 am - 12:00 pm)
March 7 - Muskegon Lake Watershed Partnership (12:00 - 1:00 pm)
March 9 - Citizen Social Science Training (5:30 - 7:30 pm)
March 16 - Citizen Social Science Training (5:30 - 7:30 pm)
March 17 - John Hart Thesis Defense Presentation (9:00 - 10:00 am)
March 17 - AWRI Seminar Series (2:00 - 3:00 pm)
March 23 – Citizen Social Science Training (5:30 – 7:30 pm)
March 30 - Muskegon County Recycling Feasibility Study Planning Meeting (10:30 – 11:30 am)
March 30 - Citizen Social Science Training (5:30 – 7:30 pm)


April 4 - Muskegon County Recycling Feasibility Study Planning Meeting (10:30 – 11:30 am)
April 6 - Citizen Social Science Training (5:30 – 7:30 pm)
April 6 – Fisheries and Aquatic Science Club Meeting (6:00 – 7:30 pm)
April 13 - Citizen Social Science Training (5:30 – 7:30 pm)
April 14 – AWRI Seminar (2:00 – 3:00 pm)
April 18 – MSU Extension Office – ServSafe Mgr Training - MPR (8:00 am – 5:00 pm)
April 20 - Citizen Social Science Training - AV Classroom (5:30 – 7:30 pm)
April 27 - Citizen Social Science Training – AV Classroom (5:30 – 7:30 pm)

Page last modified February 22, 2024