Water Quality Investigations

Storm Sampling on an Urban Creek
Deer Creek Watershed Assessment
Macroinvertebrate Sampling on an Urban Creek
Water Quality Investigations
The Environmental Chemistry Laboratory conducts water quality investigations of surface water to determine nutrient and bacterial sources in addition to the development of restoration strategies. In addition, we have had a 15+ year partnership with Public Health Muskegon County (PHMC) for the Lake Michigan and inland lakes beach monitoring program. We are currently working on the final phase of our Tyler Creek 319 Watershed Planning Project and are evaluating the discharge and E. coli data to determine the stream locations contributing the greatest bacterial load to the system. We also started a 319 Watershed Planning Project in 2014 on the Flat River and are working with the Kent County Conservation District and Streamside Environmental Consultants to determine sources of nutrients and E coli in the river. Based on the study results, we will be developing a more focused monitoring program in 2015 that identifies sites for BMP installation.
We also continue to provide laboratory support for ongoing environmental projects and research for the Steinman lab. In 2014, we began to pursue an opportunity to conduct qPCR analyses for the rapid detection of E. coli as part of the beach monitoring program. The development of qPCR methods at AWRI will open additional research opportunities in the areas of eDNA, protozoan pathogens, and microbial source tracking of E. coli.
- Flat River 319 Watershed Planning Project
- A Study of Surface Run-off from US 31 and Seaway Drive on Little Black Creek, Muskegon County, MI
- A Multi-modeling Approach to Evaluating Climate and Land Use Change Impacts in a Great Lakes River Basin
- Bear Lake Nutrient Study
- Total suspended Solids, Stable Flow, and Wet Weather Event Monitoring for Tributaries of the Lower Grand River
- White Lake Habitat Assessment
- Deer Creek Watershed Assessment
- Assessment of E. coli and Microcystins in Cladophora Mats in the Near-shore Waters of Grand Traverse Bay, Little Traverse Bay, and Saginaw Bay
- White River Watershed Preliminary Habitat Assessment
- Preliminary Investigation of the Extent of Sediment Contamination in Mona Lake Watershed, MI