Dr G on campus

Dr. G

My dog, Karma, is loving every minute of my being home with her. The queen has me going on walks and keeping my slider door open on sunny days for her to enjoy it. 

I am working continually to make sure our program stays up-to-date on all the changes and that we have what we need to do our jobs remotely. Daily communication with staff helps to keep our spirits up. As changes are happening there are many new ways to do our work so getting training for staff has been a major project. We want to be in the know on how everything works. 

Other than taking walks with Queen Karma, I work around my house and sometimes watch some Netflix.  

Looking forward to meeting with you soon.

Dr. G

Linda at home

Linda Rettig

I have a home office which now is half GVSU office. There is a window next to my main desk and our dog has a bed on the desk to be next to me when I work. My biggest decision each day is which t-shirt to wear with which sweat pants. 

Days are getting mixed up but we are surviving in our house. My daughter and I did a 1000 piece butterfly puzzle which was a bear. I play a lot of Spider Solitaire and am watching Grey's Anatomy from start to finish for the 4th time. We are eating meals as a family at the dining table. My son is remodeling our basement since he moved back home. 

I am reading and soon to be sewing. 

During the week, I am TRIO STEM. I am working on programs, updates, reaching out to you all and keeping busy with all our program entails.

Hang in there!!!

you got this
Felicia H sends her love for the graduation package.

Felicia H sends her love for the graduation package.

Awesome, thank you so much TRiO Team! I received the package a while ago, but haven’t got the chance to send you the picture until now. These goodies were awesome even after finals were over. Thank you for thinking of us!

Have a great Summer! 

-Sisi H

Exam package 2020 Winter

Tanisha at Home

Tanisha Kuykendall

The best part of working at home is freedom to wear whatever at any time. While I miss seeing everyone, it is nice to be able to focus on whatever I am doing whether it is creating programs or talking to you. My 100% attention is on task.

Now is the perfect time for me to learn to use my sewing machine. I have been practicing and with youtube videos, hope to get better. I am creating many things and making items for my family and friends. 

Rewatching some of my favorite shows and movies is great background when crafting. I do a lot of facetime with my family and friends. 

Hang in there. It is not easy but we will get through this.

Sonya at home

Sonya Barrett

Working at home allows me faster access to my coffee to keep me going. There is still much work to be done so I am busy each day doing tasks for both TRIO STEM and the TRIO SSS Classic program. 

My spare time I spend virtually talking to my granddaughters. Not seeing them in person is the hardest part. 

I keep busy each day and then work on my list of projects. I am staying in touch with family and friends through phone calls and social media. 

Can't wait to see you again. Stay safe. 

Luis and his care package

Exam Care Package

Luis S opened his Exam Care Package and got right to the "heart" of the package. 


Sadie with her exam box

Sadie got her Exam Care Package and is eager to open it. 

Page last modified September 13, 2020