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Integrative Studies, BA/BS

Student Outcomes

Assessment of Student Outcomes

Outcome F LIB-A: Demonstrate the ability to engage in perspective-taking

Student is able to connect relevant experience and academic knowledge.
Objective 13 LIB - Provide leadership in liberal and general education regionally, nationally, and globally.
Objective 8 LIB - Promote and develop integrative, interdisciplinary teaching, learning, and scholarship culminating in community engagement and diversity of practices.

Outcome G LIB-B: Integrate knowledge and modes of thinking drawn from two or more disciplines

Student is able to make connections across disciplines.
Objective 11 LIB - Enable students to develop individualized curriculum plans focused on academic and career goals.

Measure 1

2018 Status
We have achieved this goal for the second consecutive academic year. While we will continue emphasize the teaching of writing among faculty we plan to archive this goal and concentrate our assessment on other learning outcomes for AY2019-2020.

2017 Status
We have achieved or exceeded our target. The assessment committee will continue to work with the regular faculty to align learning activities for this assignment with assessment, to facilitate discussions among faculty to foster innovative methods for teaching content related to this SLO.

2016 Status
Measure 1 of 2: We assessed the program wide assignments from LIB 311 and LIB 312, the integrative statement. For this measure we compiled our assessment data on the rubric for those courses. We then compared these current findings with our last self study complete in the Fall of 2015. Students who complete LIB 311/312 will be considered proficient at the “Target/competent” level when they score an average of 3 on the rubric. Students who complete the LIB 495 course should attain “Mastery” between 3 and 4 on the appropriate rubric.

Measure 2

2018 Status
We have achieved this goal for the second consecutive academic year. While we will continue emphasize the teaching of writing among faculty we plan to archive this goal and concentrate our assessment on other learning outcomes for AY2019-2020.

2017 Status
We have achieved or exceeded our target. The assessment committee will continue to work with the regular faculty to align learning activities for this assignment with assessment, to facilitate discussions among faculty to foster innovative methods for teaching content related to this SLO.

2016 Status
Measure 1 of 2: We assessed the program wide assignments from LIB 311 and LIB 312, the integrative statement. For this measure we compiled our assessment data on the rubric for those courses. We then compared these current findings with our last self study complete in the Fall of 2015. Students who complete LIB 311/312 will be considered proficient at the “Target/competent” level when they score an average of 3 on the rubric. Students who complete the LIB 495 course should attain “Mastery” between 3 and 4 on the appropriate rubric.

Measure 3

2018 Status
We have achieved this goal for the second consecutive academic year. While we will continue emphasize the teaching of writing among faculty we plan to archive this goal and concentrate our assessment on other learning outcomes for AY2019-2020.

2017 Status
We have achieved or exceeded our target. The assessment committee will continue to work with the regular faculty to align learning activities for this assignment with assessment, to facilitate discussions among faculty to foster innovative methods for teaching content related to this SLO.

2016 Status
We assessed the program wide assignments from LIB 495, the integrative statement. For this measure we compiled our assessment data on the rubric for that class. We then compared these current findings with our last self study complete in the Fall of 2015.

Outcome H LIB-C: Produce an interdisciplinary understanding of a complex problem

Students should be able to demonstrate that they can produce an interdisciplinary understanding of a complex problem or intellectual question.
Objective 7 LIB: Cultivate relationships across disciplines in order to deepen commitments to interdisciplinary, integration, and liberal learning.

Measure 1

2021 Status
Findings from this cycle of assessment show that INT 301 met target (Progressing) for the identified learning outcome.

2020 Status
Since last year (AY 2019-2020), we evaluate students’ full project proposals. Previously, we only assessed their literature reviews.

2019 Status
We have exceeded target for this measure.

2018 Status
Students' demonstrated a strong ability to articulate integration of problems, concepts, academic disciplines, and research tools in this year's assessment. We see this as evidence that our work to continually improve our work as instructors to provide instruction that closely connects to and supports the core SLOs of our department has been successful as well.

2017 Status
Not Yet Achieved
While a majority of our students ultimately achieved what we view as mastery of this SLO, it is evident that many students (especially at the early level) continue to struggle to articulate integration of problems, concepts, academic disciplines, research tools, etc. Interdisciplinarity and integration are key goals in our courses, requiring careful planning for improvement. We will continue to consistently engage faculty in discussions about best teaching practices for the learning activities closely connected to the SLOs our department has identified as being central to our mission and strategic plan.

2016 Status
Not Yet Achieved
The assignments assessed for these measures were collected between Fall 2015 through Fall 2016. We assessed 19 program wide assignments, the literature review.

Measure 2

2021 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Findings from this cycle of assessment reporting for INT 495 show that students are progressing (3) in four skill areas and met the target (4, proficient) in one skill area.

2020 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Students demonstrated continued progress to meeting proficiency. We see this as evidence that our work to continually improve our instruction to closely support the core departmental SLOs is successful. We will continue our efforts to strengthen students’ achievement toward the target through our work with course instructors.

2019 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Students' demonstrated a strong ability to articulate integration of problems, concepts, academic disciplines, and research tools in this year's assessment. We see this as evidence that our work to continually improve our work as instructors to provide instruction that closely connects to and supports the core SLOs of our department has been successful as well.

2018 Status
Students' demonstrated a strong ability to articulate integration of problems, concepts, academic disciplines, and research tools in this year's assessment. We see this as evidence that our work to continually improve our work as instructors to provide instruction that closely connects to and supports the core SLOs of our department has been successful as well.

2017 Status
Not Yet Achieved
While a majority of our students ultimately achieved what we view as mastery of this SLO, it is evident that many students (especially at the early level) continue to struggle to articulate integration of problems, concepts, academic disciplines, research tools, etc. Interdisciplinarity and integration are key goals in our courses, requiring careful planning for improvement. We will continue to consistently engage faculty in discussions about best teaching practices for the learning activities closely connected to the SLOs our department has identified as being central to our mission and strategic plan.

2016 Status
Not Yet Achieved
We assessed a total of 69 senior thesis assignments for this measure.

Outcome I LIB-D: Demonstrate application of classroom knowledge to real-world problems

Students are able to demonstrate that they are able to apply their classroom knowledge to real-world problems, questions, and/or applications.
Objective 14 LIB - Model and promote applied sustainability in curricular and programmatic practices
Objective 9 LIB - Connect community partners, businesses, non-profits, faculty, staff, and students to address local and global issues.

Outcome J LIB-E: Demonstrate advanced critical thinking skills

Students should be able to demonstrate advanced critical thinking skills at levels required for effective performance in professional and other social or cultural contexts.
Objective 12 LIB - Foster student research through experiential learning and collaborative student-faculty research.

Outcome L LIB-G: Demonstrate intercultural understanding.

Students demonstrate intercultural understanding by identifying intersections of socially and culturally constructed identities and effects of unearned privilege and systems of discrimination.
Objective 10 LIB - Engage with students to promote diversity and equity where structural inequalities exist.

Measure 1

2019 Status
Not Yet Achieved
During Spring/Summer 2019, members of the Assessment Committee worked with a subset of INT 311 (Meaning) and INT 312 (Dialogue) instructors to create a program-wide assignment to assess the social responsibility learning outcomes. The resulting assignment drew upon work that 311 and 312 instructors had already been using in their courses, although the particular design of the program-wide assignment and assessment rubric were new. This assignment was then implemented for the first time on a pilot basis in Fall 2019. One issue that arose at the point of assessment is that because of the timeline used for department assessment (which includes Winter 2019 and Fall 2019 artifacts), some of the artifacts submitted for assessment came from Winter 2019 and did not conform to the final program wide assignment parameters. Because INT 312 enrolls significantly more students than INT 311, fewer INT 311 assignments were collected than INT 312. These courses are treated as interchangeable within the Integrative Studies major core.

Measure 2

2021 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Findings from this cycle of assessment reporting for INT 312 show that students met the target (Progressing, 3) for the identified learning outcomes.

2019 Status
Not Yet Achieved
During Spring/Summer 2019, members of the Assessment Committee worked with a subset of INT 311 (Meaning) and INT 312 (Dialogue) instructors to create a program-wide assignment to assess the social responsibility learning outcomes. The resulting assignment drew upon work that 311 and 312 instructors had already been using in their courses, although the particular design of the program-wide assignment and assessment rubric were new. This assignment was then implemented for the first time on a pilot basis in Fall 2019. One issue that arose at the point of assessment is that because of the timeline used for department assessment (which includes Winter 2019 and Fall 2019 artifacts), some of the artifacts submitted for assessment came from Winter 2019 and did not conform to the final program wide assignment parameters. Because INT 312 enrolls significantly more students than INT 311, fewer INT 311 assignments were collected than INT 312. These courses are treated as interchangeable within the Integrative Studies major core.

Measure 3

2021 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Findings from this assessment cycle for INT 400 show that students are progressing in all categories except one (Integration) where they are baseline. This is the third time assessing this program-wide assignment since its creation in Fall 2018. We most recently assessed the course in Winter 2020.

2019 Status
Not Yet Achieved
This is the second time that we have assessed this program-wide assignment since its creation in Fall 2018. Since 2018, we have determined a baseline for assessing mastery. Additionally, this is the first time we included artifacts from S/S 19 as well.

2018 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Faculty began integrating the program-wide assignment into their teaching of LIB 400 and LIB 401 for the first time in Fall 2018. We assessed a subset of artifacts collected from those courses to determine baseline for assessing mastery of these core learning outcomes, with the goal of being able to strengthen instruction of the core learning outcomes.

Measure 4

2021 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Findings from this assessment cycle for INT 401 show that students are progressing in all categories, but one (Integration) where they are baseline. This is the third time assessing this program-wide assignment since its creation in Fall 2018. We most recently assessed the course in Winter 2020.

2019 Status
Not Yet Achieved
This is the second time that we have assessed this program-wide assignment since its creation in Fall 2018. Since 2018, we have determined a baseline for assessing mastery. Additionally, this is the first time we included artifacts from S/S 19 as well.

2018 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Faculty began integrating the program-wide assignment into their teaching of LIB 400 and LIB 401 for the first time in Fall 2018. We assessed a subset of artifacts collected from those courses to determine baseline for assessing mastery of these core learning outcomes, with the goal of being able to strengthen instruction of the core learning outcomes.