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Mathematics, BA/BS - Theoretical Mathematics

Student Outcomes

Assessment of Student Outcomes

Outcome MTH-B Abstract Reasoning

Math majors have strong abstract and quantitative reasoning skills.
Objective 1 Math majors will apply abstract reasoning skills to make sense of definitions and proofs.

Measure 1

2021 Status
Not Yet Achieved
In Fall 2021, there were 44% of students proficient or distinguished on item A and 75% proficient or distinguished on item B.

2018 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Partially achieved. Fall 2018 results showed a big improvement over Fall 2017 on Criterion A (75% vs. 27%), and Criterion B also showed a small improvement (25% vs. 19%). The results for Criterion A exceeded our threshold value.

2017 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Results are comparable to the baseline data: Row A = 27%, Row B = 19% (previously 32% and 21%, respectively)

Outcome MTH-D Communication

Math majors use the language of mathematics to communicate with precision.
Objective 1 Math majors use appropriate mathematical vocabulary and symbols to communicate with precision.

Measure 1

2021 Status
In Fall 2021, the target was met for both items C and D. The percentage of students achieving (2) Proficient or (3) Distinguised was 88% on item C and 81% on item D.

2018 Status
Results for Fall 2018 exceeded the both the threshold and target values on both parts of the rubric, with 81% of students earning scores of (2) Proficient or (3) Distinguished on Criterion C and on Criterion D.

2017 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Results for Row C are much stronger than the baseline data: Row C = 88%, Row D = 31% (previously 26% and 32%, respectively)

Outcome TM-E Content Knowledge

Math majors have strong content knowledge of fundamental concepts in mathematics.
Objective 1 Math majors in the non-certification track can state fundamental concepts in real analysis and apply them to derive results related to sequences, limits, and continuity.