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Communication Studies, MS

Student Outcomes

Assessment of Student Outcomes

Outcome COM/G-A Primary Research Methodology

Students demonstrate knowledge about primary research methodologies used in the field of communication.
Objective 1 Students demonstrate the ability to describe primary research methodologies used in the field of communication.

Measure 1

2018 Status
Students evaluated on their ability to summarize and state the purpose of the research presented.

2017 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Students evaluated on their ability to summarize and state the purpose of the research presented.

Measure 2

2018 Status
Students evaluated on their ability to describe/discuss research in writing.

2017 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Students evaluated on their ability to describe/discuss research in writing.

Objective 2 Students demonstrate the ability to critique primary research methodologies used in the field of communication.

Measure 1

2018 Status
Students evaluated on their ability to critique research orally presented.

2017 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Students evaluated on their ability to critique research orally presented.

Measure 2

2018 Status
Students evaluated on their ability to critique research in writing.

2017 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Students evaluated on their ability to critique research in writing.

Outcome COM/G-B Human Subjects

Students demonstrate knowledge about the treatment of human subjects in research.
Objective 1 Students demonstrate the ability to describe the humane treatment of human subjects in accordance with Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) guidelines.

Measure 1

2018 Status
Students evaluated on their ability to describe human treatment of human subjects in accordance with RCR guidelines.

2017 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Students evaluated on their ability to describe human treatment of human subjects in accordance with RCR guidelines.

Measure 2

2018 Status
Students evaluated on their ability to describe in writing the humane treatment of human subjects in accordance with Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) guidelines.

2017 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Students evaluated on their ability to describe in writing the humane treatment of human subjects in accordance with Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) guidelines.

Objective 2 Students demonstrate the ability to describe and critique egregious examples of the inhumane treatment of human subjects throughout modern history.

Measure 1

2018 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Students evaluated on their ability to relate egregious historical examples of research where subjects where treated inhumanely to their own proposed research.

2017 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Students evaluated on their ability to relate egregious historical examples of research where subjects where treated inhumanely to their own proposed research.

Measure 2

2018 Status
Students evaluated on their ability to critique in writing treatment of human subjects throughout modern history.

2017 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Students evaluated on their ability to critique in writing treatment of human subjects throughout modern history.

Outcome COM/G-C Secondary Research Techniques

Students demonstrate knowledge about secondary research techniques used in the field of communication.
Objective 1 Students demonstrate the ability to describe secondary research techniques used in the field of communication.
Objective 2 Students demonstrate the ability to critique secondary research techniques used in the field of communication.

Outcome COM/G-D Communication Theory

Students demonstrate knowledge about communication theory.
Objective 1 Students demonstrate the ability to describe communication theory.
Objective 2 Students demonstrate the ability to critique communication theory.

Outcome COM/G-E Communication Ethics

Students demonstrate knowledge about ethics as applied to the field of communication.
Objective 1 Students demonstrate the ability to describe ethical and unethical conduct in communication situations.
Objective 2 Students demonstrate the ability to critique ethical and unethical conduct in communication situations.

Outcome COM/G-F Communication Law

Students demonstrate knowledge about communication law.
Objective 1 Students demonstrate the ability to describe American law as applied to communication situations.
Objective 2 Students demonstrate the ability to critique American law as applied to communication situations.

Outcome COM/G-G Communication Problem-Solving

Students demonstrate the ability to solve complex communication problems.
Objective 1 Students demonstrate the ability to describe complex communication problems as a system of interrelated elements.
Objective 2 Students demonstrate the ability to provide solutions to complex communication problems.

Outcome COM/G-H Communication Literature

Students demonstrate knowledge about scholarly/professional literature of the field of communication.
Objective 1 Students demonstrate the ability to identify the literature relevant to specific communication problems/issues.

Measure 1

2021 Status
Students evaluated on their ability to develop bibliographies relevant to their final project or thesis.

2019 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Students evaluated on their ability to develop bibliographies relevant to their final project or thesis.

Measure 2

2021 Status
Students evaluated on their ability to write annotations for their bibliographies.

2019 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Students evaluated on their ability to write annotations for their bibliographies.

Objective 2 Students demonstrate the ability to critically understand the literature relevant to specific communication problems/issues.

Measure 1

2021 Status
Students evaluated on their ability to write critical reviews of the literature relevant to their final project or thesis.

2019 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Students evaluated on their ability to write critical reviews of the literature relevant to their final project or thesis.

Measure 2

2019 Status
Students evaluated on their ability to make oral presentations where they critically review the literature relevant to their final project or thesis.

Outcome COM/G-I Scholarly/Professional Communication Research

Students demonstrate the ability to conduct scholarly/professional communication research.
Objective 1 Students demonstrate the ability to design/plan scholarly/professional research.

Measure 1

2019 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Students evaluated on their ability to write proposals in which they design and plan scholarly/professional research for their final project or thesis.

Measure 2

2019 Status
Students evaluated on their ability to make oral presentations in which they discuss the design and plan of scholarly/professional research for their final project or thesis.

Objective 2 Students demonstrate the ability to execute scholarly/professional research.

Measure 1

2019 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Students evaluated on their ability to write reports discussing the execution of scholarly/professional research for their final project or thesis.

Measure 2

2019 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Students evaluated on their ability to make oral presentations in which they discuss the execution of their scholarly/professional research for their final project or thesis.