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Seidman College of Business - Undergraduate Advising

Student Outcomes

Assessment of Student Outcomes

Outcome A Graduation Requirements met in a timely manner without errors

Students are able to meet the necessary requirements to graduate in a reasonable time frame given their goals, credit hour load and level of persistence
Objective 1 Students are able to appropriately complete courses necessary to meet general education requirements

Measure 1

2018 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Because the Seidman advising office oversees the audit process, we rarely have issues with graduation audits not being completed or students not being eligible for graduation.

Objective 2 Students are able to appropriately register for and complete courses necessary to meet the University requirements

Measure 1

2018 Status
Not Yet Achieved
See objective 1 for update

Objective 3 Students are able to appropriately register for and complete courses necessary to meet their major(s) requirements

Outcome B Graduation Requirements

Accuracy of graduation audits and student completion
Objective 1 After reviewing all first year class schedules for students who have declared a Business major, students will begin their fall semester with an appropriate schedule

Measure 1

2018 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Seidman checks 100% of the schedules, so this measure is achieved. Decreasing the number of errors (percentage) is the key component.

Outcome C Students are registering in a timely manner

To achieve this outcome, outreach must occur to assure the "non-registered" list provided by the registrar's office each spring has the fewest number of students possible.
Objective 1 Students will be registered for the subsequent academic year in a timely manner based on the registration timeline determined by the University

Measure 1

2017 Status
Not Yet Achieved
The following are the number of non-registered students by semester based on reports from Records. Attention to the date of report generation is important. Winter 2017 Nov. 17, 2016 - 247 Fall 2017 July 2017 - 482 Winter 2018 - Oct 30, 2017 - 510 Fall 2018 - April 13, 2018 - 674 This is very high, but the time frame is prior to grades being submitted. As a secondary admit program, students often need to wait to either complete pre-core classes, achieve a GPA, or reach 55 credit hours before being able to register for upper division classes. Fall 2018 - August 13, 2018 - 325 While significantly lower, over 130 students who were qualified to continue in the program had not yet registered for courses. This is the issue we hope to resolve.