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Classics, BA - Classical Languages Emphasis

Student Outcomes

Assessment of Student Outcomes

Outcome E Classical Languages Emphasis: Understanding Greek and Latin

Students in the Classical Languages Emphasis understand and analyze ancient Greek or classical Latin using appropriate tools.
Objective 10 Students demonstrate effective use of in-print and online tools in their understanding and analysis of the target language.

Measure 1

2021 Status
With reference to GRK 351 Greek Poetry (Fall 2021), students were required to translate selected passages of lyric poetry (Sappho, Simonides, Anacreon, e.g.) and analyze syntax on a series of three exams during the semester. The third exam was used for the purposes of this assessment.

2019 Status
GRK 351/401: Students used the *Thesaurus Linguae Graecae* in a take-home assignment targeting use of appropriate tools in service of development of a research question. LAT 352/401: Students used tools such as *Allen & Greenough's Latin Grammar* in assignments targeting use of appropriate tools.

2018 Status
-- GRK 351/GRK 401: Progress was measured using a collaborative commentary assignment that required engagement with in-print and online tools to present exegesis of Herodas' Mimiamboi (including both linguistic analysis and analysis of how language constructs meaning in its social/historical and literary contexts). 100% of students met the standard. -- LAT 401: Students wrote a translation comparison paper, requiring them to analyze how three different translations of a target text met the challenges of conveying Latin into English.

Objective 9 Students read passages of the target language and perform tasks that measure facility in the analysis of structure and syntax, and of meaning.

Measure 1

2019 Status
For GRK 351/401: in-class assessments (translation, syntax analysis) based on assigned passages in primary texts were used; dictionaries and commentary were allowed. For LAT 352/401: in-class assessments (translation, syntax analysis) based on assigned passages in primary texts were used; dictionaries and commentary were allowed.

2018 Status
Not Yet Achieved
GRK 351/GRK 401: In-class assessments (translation, syntax analysis, and reading comprehension) based on seen and unseen primary texts were used; dictionaries and other resources allowed for seen texts. LAT 401: On three occasions, students submitted prepared translations before translating as a class. The final translation is considered here for assessment purposes. They also submitted three scansion assignments. The final scansion assignment is considered here for assessment purposes.