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Special Education, M.Ed. - Cognitive Impairment Emphasis

Student Outcomes

Assessment of Student Outcomes

Outcome SEG-CI-A Learning Environments (CEC Standard 2)

Beginning special education professionals create safe, inclusive, culturally
responsive learning environments so that individuals with exceptionalities become active and effective learners and develop emotional well being, positive social interactions, and self-determination.
Objective 1 Standard 2.1: Beginning special education professionals, through collaboration with general educators and other colleagues, create safe, inclusive, culturally responsive learning environments to engage individuals with exceptionalities in meaningful learning activities and social interactions. Initial Specialty Set for DD/ASD: DDA.4.K2-Assessments of environmental conditions that promote maximum performance of individuals with DD/ASD.

Measure 1

2018 Status
Not Yet Achieved
The assessment tool (portfolio) and rubric were revised to meet earlier-identified areas for improvement. Data collected suggest that 100% of candidates met the proficient level on four of the five related elements, while 80% of candidates met the proficient level for the remaining element. The ability to teach social behaviors remains a concern.

Objective 2 Standard 2.3: Beginning special education professionals know how to intervene safely and appropriately with individuals with exceptionalities in crisis. Initial Specialty Set for DD/ASD: DDA.2.S4- Plan systematic instruction based on learner characteristics, interests, and ongoing assessment. DDA.4.S2- Develop strategies for monitoring and analyzing challenging behavior and its communicative intent. DDA.4.S3- Conduct functional behavior assessments that lead to development of behavior support plans.

Measure 1

2018 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Progress continues on associated elements of this objective. On the first element, Establish a consistent, organized, and respectful learning environment, all five candidates were assessed as proficient. On the second element, Develop a comprehensive learner profile used to measure P-12 student progress and plan instruction, 3/5 candidates were assessed as proficient, 2/5, as developing. And, on the third element, Conduct functional behavioral assessments to develop student behavior intervention plans, 2/4 candidates were assessed as proficient, 2/4 as developing, and data for 1 candidate was missing.

Outcome SEG-CI-B Curricular Content Knowledge (CEC Standard 3)

Beginning special education professionals use knowledge of general and specialized curricula to individualize learning for individuals with exceptionalities.
Objective 1 Standard 3.1: Beginning special education professionals understand the central concepts, structures of the discipline, and tools of inquiry of the content areas they teach, and can organize this knowledge, integrate cross-disciplinary skills, and develop meaningful learning progressions for individuals with exceptionalities. Initial Specialty Set for DD/ASD: DDA.3.S3- Plan and implement instruction for independent functional life skills and adaptive behavior. DDA.3.S4- Plan and implement instruction and related services that are both age appropriate and ability appropriate.
Objective 2 Standard 3.2: Beginning special education professionals understand and use general and specialized content knowledge for teaching across curricular content areas to individualize learning for individuals with exceptionalities. Initial Specialty Set for DD/ASD: DDA.3.S4- Plan and implement instruction for independent functional life skills and adaptive behavior.
Objective 3 Standard 3.3: Beginning special education professionals modify general and specialized curricula to make them accessible to individuals with exceptionalities.

Outcome SEG-CI-C Assessment (CEC Standard 4)

Beginning special education professionals use multiple methods of assessment
and data sources in making educational decisions.
Objective 1 Standard 4.1: Beginning special education professionals select and use technically sound formal and informal assessments that minimize bias. Initial Specialty Set for DD/ASD: DDA.4.K2-Assessments of environmental conditions that promote maximum performance of individuals with DD and ASD.
Objective 2 Standard 4.2: Beginning special education professionals use knowledge of measurement principles and practice to interpret assessment results and guide educational decisions for individuals with exceptionalities. Initial Specialty Set for DD/ASD: DDA.4.K1- Specialized terminology used in the assessment of individuals with DD and ASD. DDA.4.K3- Components of assessment for the core areas for individuals with DD and ASD. DDA.4.S1- Select, adapt, and use assessment tools and methods to accommodate the abilities and needs of individuals with DD and ASD. DDA.4.K4-Individual strengths, skills, and learning styles.
Objective 3 Standard 4.3: Beginning special education professionals, in collaboration with colleagues and families, use multiple types of assessment information in making decisions about individual with exceptionalities. Initial Specialty Set for DD/ASD: DDA.4.K1- Specialized terminology used in the assessment of individuals with DD and ASD.

Outcome SEG-CI-D Instructional Planning and Strategies (CEC Standard 5)

Beginning special education professionals select, adapt, and use a repertoire of evidence-based instructional strategies to advance learning of individuals with exceptionalities.
Objective 1 Standard 5.0: Special education professionals select, adapt, and use a repertoire of evidence-based instructional strategies to advance learning in individuals with exceptionalities. Initial Specialty Set for DD/ASD DDA5.S3- Provide specialized instruction for spoken language, reading, writing.
Objective 2 Standard 5.2: Special education professionals use technologies to support instructional assessment, planning, and delivery for individuals with exceptionalities. Initial Specialty Set for DD/ASD: DDA.5.S2- Implement instructional programs that promote effective communication skills using verbal and augmentative and alternative communication systems.
Objective 3 Standard 5.4: Special education professionals use strategies to enhance language development and communication skills of individuals with exceptionalities. Initial Specialty Set for DD/ASD: DDA.5.S2- Implement instructional programs that promote effective communication skills using verbal and augmentative and alternative communication systems. DDA.5.S3- Provide specialized instruction for spoken language, reading, and writing.
Objective 4 Standard 5.5: Special education professionals develop and implement a variety of education and transition plans for individuals with exceptionalities across a wide range of settings and different learning experiences in collaboration with individuals, families, and teams. Initial Specialty Set for DD/ASD: DDA.5.S16- Plan systematic instruction based on learner characteristics, interests, and ongoing assessment.
Objective 5 Standard 5.7: Special education professionals teach cross-disciplinary knowledge and skills such as critical thinking and problem solving to individuals with exceptionalities. Initial Specialty Set for DD/ASD: DDA.5.S11- Provide instruction in self-regulation. DDA.5.S13-Plan instruction for independent functional skills and adaptive behavior.