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Mathematics, BA/BS

Student Outcomes

Assessment of Student Outcomes

Outcome MTH-A Beliefs

Math majors have productive beliefs about mathematics.
Objective 1 Math majors will develop productive views about teaching and learning mathematics as they progress through the major.

Measure 1

2021 Status
Not Yet Achieved
The VAMS survey was used in 210 and 495 in Fall 2021, with similar results to previous years. In Math 210, the threshold was reached in "3b: Meaningful Understanding". In Math 495, the threshold was reached in "1: Nature of Math", while other thresholds were not met.

2019 Status
Not Yet Achieved
The F19 VAMS survey data shows the proportion of "desired responses" in MTH 210 have increased by 7 to 10 percentage points relative to the baseline F17 results in the Nature of Math, Learning Conditions, and Meaningful Learning subareas.

2018 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Results in MTH 495 (end of program) compare favorably to the early-program MTH 210 results, suggesting a positive impact of the curriculum on students beliefs about mathematics in several areas by the end of their capstone course. However, the results fell just below the desired threshold this cycle. A relatively low response rate in MTH 495 makes it difficult to draw robust conclusions, so that will need to be addressed in future cycles.

2017 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Results in each category increased between MTH 210 and MTH 495. The results for MTH 495 (n=8) exceeded the threshold in all categories and met the target in two categories.

Measure 2

2022 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Students continue to show that productive views about mathematics are widely held by our majors at both the sophomore and senior level.

2019 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Aggregate ATMI survey results from W17, W18, and W19 reveal that math majors have productive attitudes about mathematics in each of the five domains measured by the ATMI survey: Value, Enjoyment, Anxiety (reverse coded), Confidence, and Motivation. The results were strong for both sophomores and seniors.

Outcome MTH-B Abstract Reasoning

Math majors have strong abstract and quantitative reasoning skills.
Objective 1 Math majors will apply abstract reasoning skills to make sense of definitions and proofs.

Measure 1

2022 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Math majors demonstrate strength in reasoning abstractly, with 76% rated proficient or distinguished on Row A and 82% on Row B.

2017 Status
Results are even stronger than the baseline data: Row A = 94%, Row B = 100% (previously 75% and 88%, respectively)

Outcome MTH-C Problem Solving

Math majors are effective problem solvers.
Objective 1 Math majors will apply the concepts of linear algebra to solve problems involving dynamical systems, computer graphics, or another area of application.

Measure 1

2021 Status
Not Yet Achieved
In Fall 2021, there were 23 students assessed. The students at proficient or above on the three elements of the rubric were 83%, 74%, and 57% respectively. There were 57% of students at proficient or above in all three areas.

2020 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Our results show that students are strong in using matrix multiplication to solve applied problems, nearly met expectations to use linear combinations to understand key patterns in applied problems, and need additional opportunities to hone their skills in interpreting results/solutions of applied problems. Math 204 instructors will review these results and determine learning activities to further support students' learning in these areas.

Outcome MTH-D Communication

Math majors use the language of mathematics to communicate with precision.
Objective 1 Math majors use appropriate mathematical vocabulary and symbols to communicate with precision.

Measure 1

2022 Status
Math majors demonstrate strength in communication, with 91% rated proficient or distinguished on Row C and 82% rated proficient or distiguished on Row D.

2017 Status
Results are comparable to the baseline data: Row C = 100%, Row D = 94% (previously 100% and 100%, respectively)

Outcome MTH-F Creativity

Math majors are able to think creatively about mathematical ideas and relationships.
Objective 1 Math majors will use experimentation to create reasonable mathematical conjectures.
Objective 2 Math majors will prove conjectures using a variety of different methods.