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Communication Sciences and Disorders, BS

Student Outcomes

Assessment of Student Outcomes

Outcome CSD B.S. 4 Knowledge of Communication and Swallowing Sciences

Students will demonstrate knowledge of basic communication and swallowing sciences.
Objective 1 Students will demonstrate knowledge of biological sciences as related to communication.

Measure 1

2019 Status
Not Yet Achieved
82% of all students met the threshold assessment score of 80%. (77/94 students)

2018 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Of 63 students (sections 02 and 03), 95% achieved a score of at least 80% accuracy. Distribution was: 38% = A; 25% = A-; 11% = B+; 21% = B; 3% = C+; 2% =D+. Of 16 students (section 01), 87.5% achieved a score of at least 80% accuracy. Distribution was: 38% = A; 50% = B; and 12% = C.

Measure 2

2019 Status
Not Yet Achieved
There is a significant increase in the percentage of students scoring at threshold of 80%, an increase from 77% to 94%. There is a slight increase in students scoring at the target of 100% since 2018.

2018 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Seventy-seven percent of all students achieved a minimum of 80% score on the exam. An additional Sixteen percent of students scored within a 10% percent achievement of this goal.

Objective 2 Students will demonstrate knowledge of acoustical sciences as related to communication.

Measure 1

2019 Status
Not Yet Achieved
For the assessment measure, 45% of all students met the threshold score of 80%.

Measure 2

2019 Status
All students scored at least 80% on the assessment measure demonstrating knowledge of acoustical sciences as related to communication.

Outcome CSD B.S. 5 Knowledge of Neuroanatomical Structures

Students will demonstrate of Neuroanatomical Structures of Communication.
Objective 1 Students will demonstrate knowledge of anatomical structures supporting speech.

Measure 1

2019 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Ninety-six percent of students demonstrate knowledge of anatomical structures related to speech production as indicated by meeting the threshold of 80% on the assessment measure.

Measure 2

2019 Status
In 2019 100% of students met the threshold of 80% performance indicating CSD students have demonstrated knowledge of anatomical structures supporting speech.

2018 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Seventy-seven percent of students scored a threshold of 80% (1) or better on the exam metric. Sixteen percent scored within ten percent of the 80% score.

Objective 2 Students will demonstrate knowledge of anatomical structures supporting hearing.

Outcome CSD B.S. 6 Knowledge of Evaluation Tools

Students will demonstrate basic evaluation tools for determining communication disorders
Objective 1 Students will demonstrate knowledge of basic evaluation tools used to determine a language disorder.

Measure 1

2021 Status
Eighty-one percent of students received a score of at least 80%, meeting the threshold.

Measure 2

2019 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Ninety-seven percent of students met the threshold of 80% performance indicating most students demonstrate knowledge of evaluation tools used to determine a language disorder.

Objective 2 Students will demonstrate knowledge of basic evaluation tools used for determining a hearing disorder.

Measure 2

2019 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Ninety-four percent of students met the threshold of 80% performance and 6% did not meet threshold level. Two percent of students met the target of 100% indicating most CSD students have demonstrated knowledge of basic evaluation tools used for determining a hearing disorder.

Outcome CSD-B.S. 3 High Impact Experiences-Undergraduate

Students will participate in two or more high impact/co-curricular experiences during the undergraduate program.
Objective 1 Students will demonstrate participation in two or more high impact/co-curricular experiences during the undergraduate program as measured by validated documentation.

Measure 1

2021 Status
One hundred percent of all undergraduate students participate in two or more high-impact learning experiences prior to graduation.

Outcome CSD-BS-One Information Literacy (undergraduate)

Students will identify access to, evaluate, and synthesize multiple forms of communication sciences and disorders [CSD] information.

Students will:
-- demonstrate knowledge of CSD content
--demonstrate understanding of relevance of CSD content
--demonstrate ability to communicate verbal and written synthesized CSD content

Objective 1 Students will demonstrate knowledge of communication sciences and disorders content [CSD] content

Measure 1

2019 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Ninety-four percent of students met the established threshold of 80% performance indicating that most students demonstrate knowledge of communication sciences and disorders content [CSD] content.

Measure 2

2019 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Data not available for this course using this assessment tool for 2019.

2018 Status
Not Yet Achieved
For Fall 2018, 68% of all students met the threshold of scoring a minimum of 80% on the exam metric. An additional 27% of students scored within ten percent of the threshold. The Target of 100% had a threshold of 80% and 68% of students met this threshold.

Measure 4

2019 Status
Not Yet Achieved

Objective 2 Students will demonstrate understanding of relevance of communication sciences and disorders [CSD] content

Measure 1

2019 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Ninety-four percent of students met the threshold of 80% performance and 6% did not meet threshold level. Two percent of student met the target of 100% indicating most CSD students have demonstrated understanding of relevance of communication sciences and disorders [CSD] content

Measure 4

2019 Status
100% of students met the established performance threshold of 80% and 52% of students met the target of 100% performance indicating that CSD students understand the relevance of communication sciences and disorders content.

2018 Status
Not Yet Achieved
No data reported

2017 Status
Not Yet Achieved
For Fall 2017, 92% of students achieved a score of at least 80% on the examination of neurological foundations of communication disorders. Eight percent of students did not meet the threshold. The student average score of 91.7 is set as baseline, however the threshold is that all students would score 80% or better on this measure.

Objective 3 Students will demonstrate ability to communicate verbal and written synthesized communication sciences and disorders [CSD] content

Measure 2

2019 Status
100% of students performed at threshold by scoring 80% or better in demonstrating ability to communicate verbal and written synthesized communication sciences and disorders [CSD] content.

Measure 4

2019 Status
Not Yet Achieved
97% of students met the threshold of 80% performance and 3% of students did not meet the threshold. Of the 97% of students who met the threshold, 48% met the target of 100% performance in demonstrating ability to communicate verbal and written synthesized communication sciences and disorders [CSD] content.

Outcome CSD-BS-Two Critical Thinking - Undergraduate

Students will use systematic reasoning to examine and evaluate communication sciences and disorders [CSD] information and ideas in order to synthesize conclusions to propose new perspectives and solutions.

Students will:
--assess relevant and theoretical information, perspectives and assumptions
--construct logical conclusions based on reason and evidence
--evaluate the relevant CSD theoretical information
Objective 1 Students will assess relevant and theoretical information, perspectives and assumptions.

Measure 1

2019 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Data was not collected due to adjunct faculty teaching this course

Measure 3

2021 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Thirty-six percent of all students scored 100% on the content-focused exam. 52% of all students met threshold scores.

2019 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Percentage of students in 2018 meeting the threshold of 80% performance was 71% and the percentage of students in 2019 meeting the threshold of 80% performance increased to 96%. Data indicate an increase in the number of CSD students demonstrating knowledge of relevant and theoretical information of phonetics for communication sciences content.

2018 Status
Not Yet Achieved
For 2018, Section 01 had 71% of students meet the threshold of 80% performance or above, Section 02 had 34% of students meet the threshold of 80% performance or above, and Section 03 had 45% of student meet the threshold of 80% performance or above.

Measure 4

2019 Status
Students met the target of 100% performance in 2018 and in 2019 indicating CSD students are demonstrating knowledge and application of theoretical information, perspectives and assumptions through demonstrated poster presentations.

2018 Status
Fall 2018, all student scored 100% for poster presentation content, meeting the measure target of 100% for all students.

Measure 5

2019 Status
All students met the assessment target of 100% for this measure (29/29). This is an increase from the 2018 data of 95% of students meeting the assessment target of 100%.

2018 Status
Not Yet Achieved
No data reported

2017 Status
During Fall 2017, 57/57 students achieved a score of at least 80/100 using the video presentation rubric. 95% of students scored a A or A- grade. No baseline data is available for comparison.

Objective 2 Students will construct logical conclusions based on reason and evidence.

Measure 1

2019 Status
Not Yet Achieved
In 2019, 94% of students met threshold and 2% met the target of 100%, indicating that most students construct logical conclusions based on reason and evidence.

Measure 3

2019 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Courses taught during 2019 did not include this assessment measure

2018 Status
All students achieved a minimum of 40 out of 50 score on the rubric metric.

Measure 4

2019 Status
Not Yet Achieved
All students met the 80% threshold of performance indicating that CSD students have demonstrated the ability to construct logical conclusions based on reason and evidence using a case study.

2018 Status
For Fall 2018, all students scored a minimum of 48 out of 60 for a case study assignment.

Objective 3 Students will evaluate the relevant communication sciences and disorders [CSD] theoretical information.

Measure 1

2019 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Ninety-four percent of students met the 80% performance threshold indicating that CSD students are demonstrating knowledge of introductory concepts of communication sciences and disorders.

Measure 2

2019 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Ninety-six percent of students met the 80% performance threshold indicating CSD students are demonstrating knowledge of phonetics.