DSA Virtual Water Coolers

Building a Professional Network Virtually

flyer for virtual water coolers

Date and Time

Thursday, November 19, 2020 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM


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Virtual Water Coolers will take place via Zoom. Zoom links will be emailed upon registration.


Join the Division of Student Affairs (DSA) for our 2020-2021 Virtual Water Cooler PD Series. Similar to chatting around an office "water cooler", our Virtual Water Coolers will provide DSA staff the opportunity to informally discuss relevant topics that span across a variety of employment levels (new, mid-level, and senior-level professionals) and allow for cross-divisional learning and interactions.

  • This water cooler will discuss: Networking and making connections is important, especially if you are new to your role, department or organization. Participants will discuss and share ideas on how to continue to build their professional network remotely. 
  • Facilitated by Troy Farley, Director, Career Center
  • RSVP is required to participate in all Virtual Water Coolers


For questions & concerns, contact Liz Chase ([email protected]).


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Page last modified August 18, 2020