What is DataFest?
ASA DataFest is a data analysis competition where teams of up to five undergraduate students have a weekend to find and communicate insights from a large, complex, and surprise data set. While ASA DataFest is a competition, the main goal of the event is to promote collaboration. Teams will present their findings to judges for the chance to win one of the awards and an ASA student membership. There will also be lots of food, opportunities to win prizes, and fun!
Information from the national organizers can be found on the ASA DataFest page.
The Department of Statistics organizes DataFest@GVSU and held is first competition in 2016. Past data donors include:
- The American Bar Association (2023)
- Play2Prevent Lab at Yale School of Medicine (2022)
- Canadian National Women's Rugby Team (2019)
- Indeed (2018)
- Expedia (2017)
- Ticketmaster (2016)
DataFest@GVSU 2025
This year's DataFest will begin at 5 pm on Friday, March 21 and concluded by 5 pm on Sunday, March 23.
DataFest is open to all undergraduate majors and minors at GVSU. Students can register individually or as a team of 2-5 students. Teams that are registering will submit one application and you will need the (preferred) first name, last name, GVSU email address, and t-shirt size for each team member. Clicking on the button below will take you to a Google Form and you must be signed in with your GVSU email address.
The DataFest@GVSU organizers will contact registrants in late February seeking additional individual information (such as, dietary needs, and other information that will help us design the best experience possible for you).
Thank you to the generous sponsors that made DataFest@GVSU possible!