Professional Presentations (Ad & PR)

These tips are directed toward Advertising and Public Relations students. This outline is a general pitch outline that you can follow.



- Attention-Getter – The typical type of attention-getter. Make sure this is super snappy. Normally goes beyond the typical statistic. A lot of good advertising pitches involve a story as an attention-getter kind of like the infomercial Monroe’s Motivated Sequence Style

- Intro the Team – Individuals and team name

- Preview main points


- Describe the main challenge or problem that you are given to solve. What does the client want from you? What was their problem that they identified and why did they come to you in the first place? This shows the client that you, the presenter, understand what they are saying.


- Describe any research that you have done – why you’ve done it and your findings. This is where the SWOT Analysis goes


- Clearly state the objectives

Target Audience

- Describe the Target Audience. If you’ve created personas this is where you would introduce the personas.


- What were the key insights that you found from understanding the target audience, research, etc.? How are you going to wrap these all up into a single campaign? Try to keep this part as simple as possible.


- This is basically the climax/highest point of the presentation. Your Big Idea/central theme should be wrapped all into one simple sentence. The group should be SUPER excited about this at this part of the presentation.

Tactic Presentation

- Describe each tactic in detail. Where will it be placed? What are you doing for it?


- How are you measuring the results of the tactics?

Campaign Analysis

- How will you know if the campaign was successful?

- You have to revisit the objectives and state how you’ll know if they have or haven’t been met yet.


- Wrap it all up and make it sound good! If you have to ask for the business, this is where you’d do it. It is a really good idea to revisit the attention-getter in this conclusion since it is a longer speech/presentation. The typical review the main points and closure should also be here.

Effective Practicing

Make sure you summarized the plan book, but did not include every detail:

- What was the job you were asked to do? Did you state this?

- Did you include and highlight your big idea?

- Strategies and tactics or the what/how?

- Did you present background research?

Be critical:

- Are you transitioning between main points?

- This is a PITCH. Are you exciting your clients?

- What are the non-speakers doing? Do they appear engaged?

- Make you understand your audience. In this case, you are pitching to your client, not presenting a school project to the class.

- Ensure your language reflects the audience you are presenting to.

- Are claims based in statistics? Do you cite your claims and make sure they come from class reading?

- Are your critical factors the foundation of their analysis? Do you reference the factors within your justification?

Prepare for an extensive Q&A. What questions do they think the audience might have for you? 

Prepared by Elizabeth LaPorte and GVSU Speech Lab Consultants.

Page last modified December 19, 2019