Frequently Asked Questions

How much does Sibs and Kids Weekend cost?

The cost of registration is $10.00 per sibling or kid. 

T-Shirts cost $20.00 per person (optional). T-shirt pre-orders close Monday, January 20 at 11:59 p.m.

There will be a limited supply of t-shirts available for purchase during event check-in so pre-order is recommended. 

Meal plans cost $8.50 per meal (optional).

What if we need to cancel the registration?

The $10.00 registration fee is non-refundable.

T-shirt orders are refundable until Monday, January 20. No refunds will be issued after this date.

Meal plans are refundable until Monday, January 20. No refunds will be issued after this date.

What if my GVSU student is an only child?

Sibs and Kids Weekend welcomes all family, friends, children, siblings, and kids of GVSU students. GVSU students may register whomever they wish as long as they are under age 18. 

What age levels is Sibs and Kids Weekend targeted to?

Sibs and Kids Weekend is appropriate for individuals 5 years old and up. There will be some separate events for older Sibs and Kids. 

What do the guests need to bring for the weekend?

Needs will vary depending on the individual, however, here are a few things we recommend you bring along.

Pillows and Blankets

Winter Outdoor Playing Gear

Bathing Suit & Beach Towel

Necessary medications

Comfort items

All the essentials (toothbrush, pajamas, underwear, etc.)

A few extra dollars for snacks and/or a trip to the Laker Store - GVSU is a cashless campus

Where do Sibs & Kids stay while they are visiting Grand Valley State University?

In an effort to provide a quality experience for our guests, we partner with Housing and Residential Life. All guests must abide by all Housing and Residence Life policies. Guests may stay in their Grand Valley students' personal residential community off-campus. GVSU is not liable for guests staying in off-campus housing.

What COVID precautions do visitors need to take?

All guests are expected to follow GVSU's COVID policies found on the Lakers Together website. 

Who is responsible for the Siblings visiting for the weekend?

Each GVSU student is responsible for those visiting and will be held accountable for their actions and the actions of their guests. This includes their behavior on and off-campus. Sibs and Kids Weekend is treated as any other day at GVSU where students are to uphold all of the requirements of the GVSU Student Code.

It is also the responsibility of the Grand Valley student to accompany their sib/kid/guests to all activities and functions. Should the guest be present and unaccompanied, the emergency contact person will be notified.

How are emergencies handled?

All emergencies are handled by the Grand Valley Police Department. When you arrive to check in, you will be asked to provide an emergency contact for the weekend. It is helpful that this individual is able to make medical decisions on behalf of the guest.

If this contact is not provided, the emergency contact provided by the GVSU student on Banner will be used in the event of an emergency.

How do Sibs & Kids eat while attending the program?

The Laker Food Co. is offering $8.50 meal passes throughout the weekend for sibs and kids. Sibs and kids have the option to eat at the Fresh Food Co. or The Dish for the weekend. Registration includes the option to purchase meal passes. There are additional dining options available on-campus. Please check the Laker Food Co. Website for available hours. For any questions, please contact Laker Food Co. 

There are some activities where a variety of food will be available.

What do the parents/supporters do during the weekend?

This weekend is Grand Valley's gift of relaxation to our parents/supporters. This is a weekend for you to stay at home without your kids or to visit the university, find a local hotel, and enjoy all that Grand Rapids and West Michigan has to offer.

My child/guest needs accommodations or has special dietary needs. Who should I contact?

Please let us know of any special dietary or access needs. Please indicate these requests on the registration website or you may call the Office of Student Life at 616-331-2345.

When and where do we check in for the weekend?

Check-in occurs in the Kirkhof Center Lobby on Friday, February 21 from 4-7 p.m. where volunteers will assist you in picking up your information and final schedules for the program. Parents/Guardians are not required to be present for check-in. If you are not arriving until Saturday, please check-in at the Kirkhof Center Lobby from 8 - 10 a.m. During check-in, each Sibs & Kid will receive a wristband identifying that they are a participant in the program, a goodie bag, and anything additional that was purchased (i.e., T-Shirt, Meal Passes, etc.).

You can locate the Kirkhof Center utilizing this campus map.

Will we be asked to provide any more information?

Throughout the course of the program, the participants will be asked to offer their input about specific events. After the weekend is over, the Grand Valley student, faculty, or staff will be provided an evaluation of the program. 

Can GVSU faculty and staff bring their children?

Absolutely! Complete the Sibs & Kids Weekend 2025 registration form!

Can registered siblings or guests use the Laker Line?

Registered siblings or guests can use the Laker Line, free of charge, during Sibs & Kids weekend. Students, staff or faculty must present their GVSU ID to ride the bus, and siblings or guests must present their Sibs & Kids wristband. Please reference the Laker Line website for the weekend schedule and more information. 

Additional questions or concerns?

Please do not hesitate to contact us!

Page last modified December 10, 2024