KBEI Role Play Series

Role play scenarios have proven effective in helping students and employees practice ways of responding to challenging people and situations. In the five role plays in our series we've asked two community leaders, two students, and a faculty member to demonstrate how they might work their way through scenarios that don't necessarily have easy answers. Our aim is to provide models for thinking about situations we all might face.

Please direct comments and questions to Prof. Michael DeWilde  at  [email protected]

Age Discrimination

Aging, uh, Gracefully?  Dr. Alejandro Quiroga, president of Corewell Health West, takes on an organization's responsibilities to employees who are wrestling with end of career issues. 

Personal Distress

Personal Distress.  Jeff Koeze, owner of the Koeze Company, talks with Prof. DeWilde about employees who are going through difficult times.

Sexual Harassment

Really? Are You Serious?  Prof. Miriam Teft offers suggestions and guidelines to employees - especially young women - who are facing sexual harassment.   

Internship Problems Part 1 (Sarah Scenario)

Internship Problems.  Students Andrea Zorilla and Carson Weed tackle a couple of unfortunately common problems as work begins.

Internships Problems Part 2 (Seal the Deal)

Internship Problems.  Students Andrea Zorilla and Carson Weed tackle a couple of unfortunately common problems as work begins.

Page last modified December 13, 2023