Research Application

Who Must Apply

All research and coursework at GVSU using radioactive materials in any amount, sealed or not, are subject to review and approval by the Radiation Safety Committee.  Any faculty/staff wishing to use radioactive materials in research or academic activity must notify the RSO in advance of the proposed use.  A written proposal for the use of the material must be submitted to the RSO and approved by the RSC prior to procuring and using the radioactive material.

How to Apply

Individuals wishing to use radioactive materials must complete the following:

  1. Read, be familiar with, and follow the procedures outlined in the Radiation Safety Manual.
  2. Submit a "Proposal for Use of Radioactive Materials" which must be approved by the Radiation Safety Committee.
  3. Submit to the Radiation Safety Officer a current curriculum vitae. The curriculum vitae should include practical experience in physically working with radioactive materials.

The Committee will approve proposals only if convincing evidence is provided that the user is competent in performing all applicable phases of the proposed experiments. All inquiries and conditions of approval will be documented in the meeting minutes. Upon approval by the RSC, the Authorized User and/or the isotope may be required apply to NRC to be added to GVSU’s NRC License.

Radiation Emitting Devices and Sealed Sources

The RSC will review and approve the purchase and use of any electronic device regulated by Michigan Department of Community Health. Upon approval by the RSC, the applicant must work with the RSO to properly register the equipment with the Michigan Department of Community Health. In addition, individuals wishing to purchase sealed sources of radioactivity must notify the RSO in writing in advance of purchase. The RSO will approve the purchase and designate an “Authorized User” with responsibility for safe use, leak testing, training, reporting and recordkeeping.

Page last modified November 24, 2014