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Background –

Those who work in the insurance field generally have two different job titles: Sales Agent or Underwriter.

Sales Agent: Duties include selling clients different types of insurance and explaining different insurance policies and plans to the client for them to choose.

Underwriter: Analyze data on insurance applications, determine the level of risk a client has and evaluates the premiums and coverage that should be recommended.

What is the average salary of someone working in this field?

  1. Underwriter: $67, 680*
  2. Insurance Sales Agent: $49,990*

What classes at GVSU may help me in my career? Discuss with your advisor which courses among those on this list, along with other courses not listed here, would best serve your career goals.

  1. You must be licensed to sell insurance in the state in which you are working.
    1. More information -,5269,7-303-22535_23382---,00.html 
  2. CIS 150 – Introduction to Computing
  3. STA 216 – Intermediate Applied Statistics
  4. STA 318 – Statistical Computing
image of an insurance policy

What experiences outside of my classes at GVSU may help me in my career? Possible internships with large insurance companies (Farmers Insurance Group and State Farm).

What skills are important for someone in this field to have? Analytical skills, problem solving skills, communication and listening skills while working with clients, the ability to work independently, statistical and mathematical knowledge are also important skills to have in this field.

Employer Possibilities – Generally work for Insurance Companies. Examples of types of insurance policies are health and long term care, and property and causality insurance.

Titles include claims clerk, customer service representative, sales agent, and underwriter.

*Salary - (2016)

Page last modified November 28, 2018