Faculty Reflections

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Year: Any 2023 2024 2025

Kourosh Khatir

Date of International Activity
3/8/2019 - 3/8/2019

Partnership University
Macquarie University

International Activities and Goals
I had the privilege to visit Macquarie University in Sydney Australia. While there, I was able to see first hand how a international partner institution deals with student safety and security on a college campus. Attitudes towards policing, gun culture, drinking, and campus life were all explored and lent a large body of knowledge for me to reflect on and consider. There are many similarities between our practices here at GVSU and Macquarie and they relate to campus safety, and some distinct differences. In summary, it was a phenomenal experience that I hope will contribute to my work at GVSU in a meaningful way.

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Carla Floyd-Slabaugh

Date of International Activity
2/3/2019 - 2/3/2019

International Activities and Goals
I was privileged to visit Belize in February 2019 in order to scout the country for future international fieldwork locations for GVSU Occupational Science and Therapy (OST) students. Over the course of 6 days, I visited with four potential partner sites. Of the four sites, all were found to have potential with one of those sites ready for scheduling a faculty-led student visit. One of the other sites is appropriate, but that sites time frames do not fit with the current needs of the GVSU OST program. Of the two remaining sites, both will need ongoing development as a point person to collaborate with was not identified.

Carla Floyd-Slabaugh at Mayan Temple near San Ignacio, Belize
Joseph Vugteveen

Date of International Activity
3/18/2018 - 3/18/2018

Partnership University
East China Normal University

International Activities and Goals
I met with many staff members at ECNU and had a number of conversations around the topics of; International partnerships, study abroad, website management, social media, IT services, graduate programs, student activities, and more. I've also increased my cultural awareness through museum visits, city tours, campus tours, and my interactions with the people of China.

The Bund Joe in Suzhou
Kiersten Quilliams

Date of International Activity
3/2/2018 - 3/2/2018

Partnership University
Macquarie & University of the Sunshine Coast

International Activities and Goals
I participated in the Partnership Delegation to Australia in March 2018. I had heard good things about the Partnership Delegation, but really could not have imagined how great this experience would be. From learning about the different ways in which the Australian education system works, to getting to know my own university through the eyes of colleagues from different departments, I now have a greater understanding of how our partnerships work and the potential for future collaboration that exists. Coming from University Libraries, I specifically met with the libraries at each university and discussed topics that seem to be universal for libraries, including offering the best spaces and services for students. Aside from sharing about our space use studies and the ways in which we are constantly evolving our spaces based on student use and feedback, I also really appreciated University of the Sunshine Coasts commitment to sustainability and think we could learn quite a bit from them, particularly their newest initiative to be a water bottle free campus, meaning they no longer sell plastic water bottles on campus. I really look forward to staying in contact with our international colleagues and collaborating with them on new ideas, as well as acting as a sounding board for concepts they may have. In some ways I feel like Im still processing all of the information that was shared and think that as I continue to do my work new ideas will emerge from this experience and Ill be able to share more with my library colleagues about my amazing experience down under. Ive included photos of the places we visited and all of the gorgeous landscapes, both university libraries (Macquarie and University of the Sunshine Coast), and myself holding a koala. It was hard to pick just a few!

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Craig Benjamin

Date of International Activity
3/1/2018 - 3/1/2018

Partnership University
Macquarie University in Sydney; University of the Sunshine Coast in Queensland

International Activities and Goals
I was delighted to receive an invitation from the Padnos International Center to co-lead this partner delegation trip to Australia in March 2018. It was a pleasure working with Becca Hambleton and our colleagues in Australia to devise an effective itinerary that allowed us to spend quality time visiting our two Australian partner institutions, and also enjoy some quintessentially Australian cultural experiences. I also participated in helping select our exceptional delegation members from a strong pool of applicants. The team we assembled represented the very best of GVSU, and it was a genuine pleasure traveling with such outstanding colleagues on what was a superb experience for all involved. We were able to deepen our relationship with these two partner institutions, and also gain a wealth of Australian cultural experiences that have further contributed to the internationalization of faculty and staff at GVSU. I thank sincerely the PIC for inviting me to co-lead this tour and congratulate them on the exceptional work they continue to do for our students, faculty and staff.

Brian Eikenhout

Date of International Activity
3/1/2018 - 3/1/2018

Partnership University
Macquarie University and University of the Sunshine Coast

International Activities and Goals
-Learning more about the process of study abroad -Finding information about course equivalencies -Creating contacts with departments to assist our students

Brian with a Joey
Anthony Thompson

Date of International Activity
3/1/2018 - 3/1/2018

Partnership University
Macquarie University, University of the Sunshine Coast

International Activities and Goals
I traveled with a GVSU delegation to partner institutions in Australia. My goals were to learn more about the programs and study abroad opportunities for our students in the programs of Media, Creative Arts, and Communication at Macquarie University, and Creative Industries, Design, and Communications at USC, and to encourage their students to study at GVSU. Both have excellent opportunities for students in our Department of Visual and Media Art and our School of Communications. I learned more about how their system works, and about the many cultural and social opportunities that would enrich the study-abroad experience beyond the classroom for our students. I made excellent connections with faculty and staff members in Australia that will create opportunities for faculty and student interactions and exchange. I learned more about the history and culture of Australia, and Australian artists, that I can incorporate into my classes and my own creative work.

Anthony Thompson holding a Koala
Barb Blankemeier

Date of International Activity
3/1/2018 - 3/1/2018

Partnership University
Macquarie University and University of the Sunshine Coast

International Activities and Goals
I participated in the March 2018 Partnership Delegation to Australia along with five other faculty and staff members from across the university. Our delegation was led by Becca Hambleton (PIC) and Dr. Craig Benjamin (Honors). The goal of my visit was to strengthen and expand my knowledge of faculty professional development in Australia. This was a wonderful experience in which I met with staff members of the teaching and learning centers at Macquarie University and the University of the Sunshine Coastthe Learning Innovation Hub (MU) and the Centre for Support and Advancement of Learning and Teaching - C-SALT (USC). Both MU and USC have some great programs in place for faculty development and many of these programs can be replicated at GVSU. I will be sharing these ideas with the Pew FTLC staff and other interested faculty and staff. Im thankful to PIC and GVSU for this opportunity to share ideas and strengthen our existing partnership.

Barb Blankemeier with a koala IMG_1063 IMG_0837 IMG_1080 Sydney Opera House
Keesha Walker

Date of International Activity
3/1/2018 - 3/1/2018

Partnership University
Macquarie University and the University of the Sunshine Coast

International Activities and Goals
As a participant of the 2018 Australian partnership delegation, I had the opportunity to meet with a handful of staff members from Macquarie University in Sydney and the University of the Sunshine Coast in Sippy Downs. I took part in the delegation because, as a 14-year employee of Grand Valley State University (GVSU), I have learned more about the Universitys practices and the lives of its students since I began working for the Division of Students Services almost two years ago. Through exposure to a Divisional staff exchange, I have also learned that institutions within various nations do not necessarily focus on providing the same amenities to their students. The services that are offered do not always stem from the same sources and may not be provided in the same ways. Considering this, I wanted to know whether Australian universities operate similarly to GVSU - specifically in the provision of housing, mental health services, athletics, and other services that one may assume are inherently ingrained. I also wanted to know whether Australian students share our students concerns. Ultimately, my intent was to determine the ways in which GVSU performs well and how we can benefit from the practices of others. Participating in the 2018 partnership delegation was extremely eye-opening, as I had never been outside of North America. While I can only truly reference my experiences at the universities that we visited, I learned that there are indeed differences between Australian universities and GVSU  particularly in terms of housing and athletics and how some of their divisions are structured. At the same time, there are numerous similarities. While they may vary according to institutional size and regional demographics, I also learned that our students do share some concerns and behavioral patterns and that the roadblocks to finding solutions, at times, appear to be universal. There are also differences, some of which are cultural. I intend to follow up by sharing my findings with administrators in the Division of Student Services and, perhaps, the Division of Inclusion and Equity. I am extremely grateful that I took part in the partnership delegation and now have a desire to seek out additional experiences in other countries. Thank you, PIC, for offering this opportunity to Grand Valleys faculty and staff members. It is extremely rewarding and I suggest that others participate as well.

K. Walker Koala Portrait
Brian Hatzel

Date of International Activity
3/1/2018 - 3/1/2018

Partnership University
University of the Sunshine Coast, Macquarie University

International Activities and Goals
This trip allowed me to renew our Departmental partnership with The University of the Sunshine Coast. I also aspired to develop relationships with the Unit Heads abroad so as to personalize GVSU when they were advising and assisting students. I also found it quite informative to discuss with them relevant issues that they are navigating. For instance they too are keenly interested in student retention and success despite the very different fiscal model they are in.

Lara Jaskiewicz

Date of International Activity
2/23/2018 - 2/23/2018

Partnership University
Cracow University of Economics

International Activities and Goals
My trip to the Cracow University of Economics had two main goals. One was to learn about the university and meet faculty there, and the other was to meet with staff about the joint MPA program we have in partnership with the university. While there I lectured for two courses: an undergraduate International Marketing course and a graduate Creativity Workshop. When meeting with staff from the international office, I learned that there may not be any applicants for the joint MPA program for next year. This was a surprise, but apparently many students already have full-time jobs and it is difficult to recruit them. However, during the conversation, it came out that the belief that the students must be Polish was in error, and that they had to be students of CUE. This is likely to open up the pool of potential applicants in the future.

Jeanne Stoddard

Date of International Activity
10/9/2017 - 10/9/2017

Partnership University

International Activities and Goals
I visited Havana Cuba in October 2017 as one of seven delegate representatives from my national professional organization-the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science (ASCLS). We completed a full five day agenda, which included international sharing and discovery about health care issues that are of global concern and especially those related to the medical laboratory science profession. This experience began with learning about the Cuban National Health Care System from the Cuban Ministry of Public Health and representatives of the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO). We then visited the Center for Control/Oversight of Medical Equipment, Instruments, Devices, and Medications (CECMED), and met with our professional counterpart-the Cuban Society of Clinical Pathology (CSCP) where we discovered shared similar perspectives, issues, and constraints within our MLS profession. We also visited facilities for all three levels (family doctors office, polyclinic, hospital) of health care in Cuba and talked with the Dean and faculty of Medical Sciences at Salvador Allende University in order to learn about the education of medical professionals in Cuba. We also discussed ideas for collaborative opportunities. This trip was beneficial and a few days after my return, I shared conversations and information about the strengths and challenges faced by Cubans regarding their health care at the College of Health Professions (CHP) Global Health Showcase. Many CHP students (including my own MLS students) were in attendance and I have found that this presentation has generated much interest and dialogue amongst my students regarding health care practices that are different from our own and about cultural exchange in general. I have also been given several other opportunities to share the Cuban health perspective with others via a news article and presentation approved for ASCLS-Michigan state professional journal and meeting, and by acceptance of a collaborative presentation at the national ASCLS meeting in Chicago, Illinois this coming summer. I want to thank PIC for their support of my participation in this delegation and global perspective development opportunity.

Meeting with Cuban Society of Clinical Pathology (6) Revolution square (4) Microbiology lab Hospital Calixto Garcia (5) La Torre rooftop restaurant  cloudy day view (9)
Vandana Pednekar-Magal

Date of International Activity
5/28/2017 - 5/28/2017

Partnership University
Babes-Bolyai University, Romania

International Activities and Goals
I visited Babes_-Bolyai University (BBU) in Cluj-Napoca (Romania) in May 2017 on a PIC Faculty Exchange grant. I gave a presentation on the topic of Transnational Communities: Media and Culture at a conference organized by BBU. I met with several faculty members in the Faculty(College) of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences to discuss possible collaborative projects between faculty in the School of Communications and BBU. My discussions with faculty members at meetings as well as several social settings allowed me a rare opportunity to hear personal stories about the communist era, about transition of the press and the general mindset of people from ideologies under dictatorship to democratic polity. These conversations are very useful for research and teaching Media and Society relationship, in Global and Intercultural Communication. I am grateful to the faculty members and students at BBU who accompanied me as I explored Cluj-Napoca and surrounding areas, and for sharing the citys history and culture. Many thanks also to PIC for these opportunities.

Benjamin Swets

Date of International Activity
3/5/2017 - 3/5/2017

Partnership University
Kingston University

International Activities and Goals
The partnership that Grand Valley shares with Kingston University has allowed many of our Psychology students to experience study abroad, and will continue doing so in the future. Given that Kingston is one of our students most common study abroad program choices, it is important for our Psychology Department to have enough information about the program to fully advise our students about it as they assess their program choices and select their courses. Hence, my primary objective in making this visit to Kingston was to collect information about the overall experience our students would have thereboth in the classroom and outside of it.

Ariel Arnold

Date of International Activity
3/4/2017 - 3/4/2017

Partnership University
University of Kingston

International Activities and Goals
The Power of Education and being the first. I am the first to go abroad in my family. This is a big deal and an empowering experience! I was selected to participate in the U.K. Partnership Delegation with the University of Kingston. I got to walk where Kings and Queens have ruled, visit remarkable land marks, and learn a lot of great things in the U.K. such as the British culture and knowledge of historical, economic, political, academic, environmental and social development taking place there. I also developed bonds with more GVSU Faculty and Staff that I do not work with daily. This opportunity will enhance the work that I will continue to do with students of color, first generation, and limited income college students. One of our goals in the TRiO SSS program is to increase, educate, and empower students to access study abroad opportunities. Study abroad is a high impact practice that influence students lives and retention. I am thankful for GVSU and Padnos International Center for creating opportunities for Faculty and Staff to go abroad. My TRiO colleagues and Unit Head have been very supportive of me during this endeavor. I encourage all GVSU Faculty and Staff to participate in this program.

Big Ben Clock Tower Hampton Palace Stonehenge London Phone booth
Brandon Youker

Date of International Activity
3/4/2017 - 3/4/2017

Partnership University
Seoul Tech University-Public Administration Department

International Activities and Goals
During my week in South Korea I met with partners from the Public Administration) Department at GVs sister university, Seoul National University of Science and Technology. The goal was to initiate a relationship that may lead to faculty and student exchanges between Seoul Techs Public Administration Department and GVSUs Social Work and Public Administration departments. While at Seoul Tech, I met with several Seoul Tech professors, the PA department chair, the former university president, and the former director of the International Office. This project was successful as I return with support for pursuing collaborative research projects and developing faculty exchanges with Seoul Tech.

Lunch with Seoul Tech Public Administration professors
Jennifer Allard

Date of International Activity
3/4/2017 - 3/4/2017

Partnership University
Kingston University

International Activities and Goals
The reason I applied for the London Delegation was primarily because I work with admissions to recruit international students and with the Padnos International Center on the Study Abroad Catalog. I have never had the opportunity to discuss how other institutions recruit international students and promote study abroad to their students, so this offered me the opportunity to do so at Kingston University. In addition, I have never travelled out of the United States so I wanted to experience another culture. I had the opportunity to meet with several of the marketing staff that had similar roles to mine at Grand Valley and the exchange of ideas was very fruitful for both institutions. This trip changed my outlook and perspective in many ways! If you have the opportunity I would highly suggest you take advantage of this spectacular program!

Claire Rose

Date of International Activity
2/27/2017 - 2/27/2017

Partnership University
ESSCA, Paris & Angers, CUE, Poland

International Activities and Goals
In March 2017, I traveled to France and Poland to further develop GVSUs partnerships with universities located there (ESSCA, Paris and Angers, and Cracow University of Economics). Seidman International Business Programs is committed to increasing global learning in the Seidman College of business, hence I will forward our mission by advising students to study abroad. A Faculty/Staff Exchange Grant I received made this possible. Several takeaways I plan to consider further and share with the appropriate players at GVSU are; The impact of required study abroad, how to encourage/increase faculty research exchange with partners, international student support structure, increasing partner exchange through unique course offerings, the importance of preparing students for a global world.

church in Angers (ESSCA) Main Building CUE, Poland Wawel Castle church, Cracow (CUE) Bridge in Jewish Quarter, Cracow (CUE)
Peter Zhang

Date of International Activity
11/28/2016 - 11/28/2016

Partnership University
Kingston University

International Activities and Goals
I visited Kingston in the week of November 28 to achieve the following goals: 1) establish connections with colleagues in the Film, TV and Media area; 2) promote student and faculty exchange; 3) seek support for our own Study Abroad program; 4) give lectures to students at Kingston; 5) learn from colleagues at Kingston about their program, pedagogical style, and ideas in general. Please see the attached report for specifics.

Shinian Wu

Date of International Activity
11/18/2016 - 11/18/2016

Partnership University
Kingston University

International Activities and Goals
The goal of my visit was to learn about Kingston's applied linguistics and language teaching program with a focus on English teacher education and initiate reciprocal academic exchange. I visited classes, interacted with students, talked with program faculty, and upon return home, followed up with Kingston by inviting its program director to visit Grand Valley to learn about our program and deliver talks to our faculty and students.

Melissa Selby-Theut

Date of International Activity
6/3/2016 - 6/3/2016

Partnership University
International Christian University, Asia Pacific University, Japanese Center for Michigan Universities

International Activities and Goals
I took part in the 2016 international partnership delegation to Japan. While in Japan, the delegation met with counterparts at institutions throughout the country, including International Christian University, Asia Pacific University, and the Japanese Center for Michigan Universities. My goals were to better understand the way in which mental health is in perceived in Japan, as well to as identify barriers to and best practices in mental health treatment among its residents. Additional goals included learning about outreach and prevention efforts in counseling centers and developing a greater awareness of issues faced by and resources available to LGBTQ individuals in the region.

Felix Ngassa

Date of International Activity
6/3/2016 - 6/3/2016

Partnership University
International Christian University, Asia Pacific University, Japan Center for Michigan Universities

International Activities and Goals
We visited three partner institutions in Japan: International Christian University (ICU) in Tokyo, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU) in Beppu, and the Japan Center for Michigan Universities (JCMU) in Hikone, Shiga Prefecture. My goal was to learn about the educational system in Japan and the faculty-student interaction in learning as it pertains to chemistry in particular and science in general. At ICU, I had the opportunity to interact with colleagues in the Chemistry Department and other science disciplines. The courses in the Environmental Management Program at APU are more aligned with our Green Chemistry Certificate courses here at GVSU.

Wolfgang Friedlmeier

Date of International Activity
5/16/2016 - 5/16/2016

Partnership University
Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

International Activities and Goals
I plan to continue the collaboration with Prof. Oana Benga and her research team. We still have to analyze the material from our emotion socialization study. We will also talk about ideas for a follow-up study and external grants. I like to expand my international teaching experience. Together with a Romanian colleague, I will teach the course Research paradigms in cognitive and social-emotional development for graduate students in a condensed way. I aim to promote the option to study abroad at GVSU. Being involved in research and teaching at BBU for a longer period will strengthen the partnership.

Amy McFarland

Date of International Activity
5/24/2015 - 5/24/2015

International Activities and Goals
I traveled to Chiang Mai, Thailand to explore the local food community developed via the large farm to consumer market located nearby. My goal was to gain first-hand experience with an alternative and traditional food system will allow me to better convey, with a greater sense of passion, methods and effectiveness of an alternative. This visit will have a direct impact on the Honors Food for Thought 9-hour sequence and in Environmental Studies Introduction to Environmental Studies, and Sustainable Agriculture Practicum.

Muang Mai
Kelly McDonell

Date of International Activity
3/1/2015 - 3/1/2015

Partnership University
University of Cape Coast, Ghana

International Activities and Goals
Over spring break 2015 I was fortunate to travel to Ghana and our partner institution, University of Cape Coast. As a part of this experience, we visited our partner university and met with faculty and staff who work at the University of Cape Coast, and we got a taste of the rich culture and tradition of Ghana. I enjoyed getting a feel for the experience our students might have if they were to study abroad in Ghana and wish that I could have extended my stay. The people were incredibly friendly and welcoming and I appreciated how they received us with open arms. I would be happy to discuss my experience with anyone interested in the delegation grant or visiting University of Cape Coast!

Cape Coast view from Elmina Castle Kwame Nkruma memorial park Kente Cloth
Arlene Hecksel

Date of International Activity
2/28/2015 - 2/28/2015

Partnership University
University Cape Coast, Ghana

International Activities and Goals
I traveled with a GVSU delegation to University Cape Coast, Ghana, spring break 2015. I was exposed to Ghanaian culture and history through presentations and excursions to the Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Park, the W.E.B. Dubois Center, Elmina Castle, the Kumasi Culture Center and the university. I also met with the Dean of the College of Arts and five faculty members in an exchange of ideas about curriculum and materials.

Kente Cloth, Kumasi area
Jennifer McCaul

Date of International Activity
2/28/2015 - 2/28/2015

Partnership University
University of Cape Coast Ghana

International Activities and Goals
This experience was designed to enhance the partnership with the University of Cape Coast as well as allow the team to explore and experience parts of Ghana. The delegation arrived in Accra and explored some of the historical and cultural sites and met with members of the US Embassy and Education USA before travelling to Cape Coast to meet with counterparts at the University. Jennifer met with the Founding Dean of the Faculty of Law, as well as professors from several disciplines including: Criminal Justice, Hospitality & Tourism, and Law. Jennifer was also able to connect with Rebecca Williams, a Public and Nonprofit Administration major who is currently studying at UCC this semester. The group than traveled to Kumasi, which is the second largest city in Ghana and the center of the Ashanti region. While in Kumasi, the delegation stayed on the campus of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology and visited additional historical and cultural sights prior to returning to Accra. If you have students interested in study abroad consider directing them to UCC who has partnered with GVSU for more than 12 years and have similar departments and structures as the College of Community & Public Service.

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Todd Carlson

Date of International Activity
1/24/2015 - 1/24/2015

Partnership University
Middle East Technical University (hosted visitor)

International Activities and Goals
The goal of this grant was to strengthen the relationship between GVSU and our partner institution Middle East Technical University (METU) by hosting Mahinur Akkaya (professor of chemistry) for a two week visit. Mahinur hosted me when I visited METU two years ago. During her visit, Mahinur taught a one-credit short course on Molecular Biology. She also presented a seminar on her research, met with professors and students from several departments, and mentored GVSU students on study abroad opportunities at METU. She also extended an invitation to our faculty to teach six-week graduate courses at METU in the. METU provides an excellent opportunity for GVSU science students to study abroad.

President Pic
Ingrid Johnson

Date of International Activity
1/10/2015 - 1/10/2015

International Activities and Goals
I spent the entire Winter 2015 semester living in Malta and working with the Physical Education Teacher Education Program at the University of Malta. The PIC Internationalization grant allowed me to live here and attend many courses/workshops and conferences. I was able to meet with both students and faculty to discuss best practices and curricular development in my field. I was asked to present at two conferences, one for the students and one for professional PE teachers of Malta. I will now be able to add more global aspects of teaching/learning to my courses and PE program.

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Michael Huner

Date of International Activity
6/20/2014 - 6/20/2014

International Activities and Goals
My summer 2014 travels to Paraguay and surrounding countries (Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay) were part of a Padnos Internationalization Grant. The grant facilitated historical archival research in Asuncion, Paraguay, on nineteenth-century Paraguayan military deserters. It also allowed me to travel to the interior of Paraguay to practice my spoken Guarani. It also facilitated travels to other countries in the region, all of which will enhance my teaching of courses on Latin American and World History. My aim was also to grow my network of professional contacts in the region for collaboration in publication, teaching, and future visits by scholars and artists.

Mihaela Friedlmeier

Date of International Activity
5/23/2014 - 5/23/2014

International Activities and Goals
I visited Babe_-Bolyai University (BBU) in Cluj-Napoca (Romania) in the Spring of 2014 on a PIC Internationalization Grant. I taught one graduate-level psychology course for three weeks. I also had the opportunity to meet with my research collaborator from the Psychology Department. During my visit, I met with the associate director of the International Relations Centre to discuss ways to enhance the exchange between our institutions. The system of multicultural organization set up by the Charter of BBU ensures complete education in Romanian, Hungarian, German, as well as Jewish studies at all levels of academic study: bachelor, master, doctorate, long distance, and adult education. The university is highly prestigious for research outcomes, both at national and international level. I would be happy to discuss with anyone who wishes to learn more!

Cheryl Jones

Date of International Activity
3/2/2014 - 3/2/2014

Partnership University
Universidad de las Americas Puebla

International Activities and Goals
The Delegation went to visit Universidad de las Americas Puebla to meet with staff members and potential study abroad students and share information about GVSU. In turn, I wanted to learn about their university and culture and what opportunities it has to offer our students thinking about studying abroad. We also learned a lot about their history and culture along with seeing many beautiful historical sites.

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Jay Cooper

Date of International Activity
3/2/2014 - 3/2/2014

Partnership University
Universidad de las Americas

International Activities and Goals
To re-establish our partnership with UDLA so that a faculty led study abroad program for graduate students studying higher education can be offered again in the future (EDH 680 Mexican Culture and Education) and to further my own research interests related to Mexican higher education and student affairs.

Ashley Rosener

Date of International Activity
3/2/2014 - 3/2/2014

Partnership University
Universidad de las Americas, Puebla

International Activities and Goals
As a member of the Universidad de las Americas (UDLA) Partnership Delegation, I met with UDLA librarians to learn about the library services they provide and share the services of GVSU Libraries. We also met with potential study abroad students, Education USA, and the US Embassy to share information about GVSU, and I shared about the GVSU Libraries. I enjoyed utilizing my Spanish language skills and being immersed in Mexican culture. This was my first time outside of the US or Canada, and I gained invaluable skills navigating a new country and culture. I look forward to embarking on future travels!

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Brianne Perez

Date of International Activity
3/2/2014 - 3/2/2014

Partnership University

International Activities and Goals
As a member of the UDLAP Delegation, I was able to connect with health career professors and discuss similarities, differences, and ways that we can connect/exchange students. I also met many of the advisors in the International Office who would receive our students if they choose UDLAP and was very impressed with their kindness and helpfulness. The cities we visited were beautiful and full of history. I enjoyed being immersed in the culture and language and connecting with faculty/staff from GVSU. Thank for this opportunity!

Mexico 1 Mexico 4 Mexico 3 Mexico 2
Michael Vrooman

Date of International Activity
3/2/2014 - 3/2/2014

Partnership University
La Universidad de las Américas, Puebla

International Activities and Goals
We traveled to Puebla and Mexico City, Mexico, to reestablish ties at UDLAP and explore potential opportunities at UDLAP for GVSU students, staff, and faculty. Our delegation was very well received.

Peter Zhang

Date of International Activity
3/2/2014 - 3/2/2014

Partnership University

International Activities and Goals
We went to Puebla and Mexico City to strengthen ties with UDLAP and explore potential opportunities for students, staff, and faculty from both universities. We also tried to learn as much about the host culture as we possibly could within this short time span. Another goal of ours was to establish personal connections with counterparts at UDLAP who share similar teaching and research interests. It was a fruitful experience on multiple counts. Please see the uploaded report for more detail.

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Polly Diven

Date of International Activity
2/27/2014 - 2/27/2014

Partnership University
Ritsumeikan APU and ICU-Mitaka

International Activities and Goals
I visited these two GVSU partners, as well as two historic sites. My full report is attached below.

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Beth Evans

Date of International Activity
9/11/2013 - 9/11/2013

Partnership University
Universidad del Bío-Bío

International Activities and Goals
The delegation trip to Chile and the Universidad del Bío-Bío was such a wonderful experience. The delegation was well planned and provided us with so many opportunities to learn, experience, and grow. The members of our delegation group were a dynamic team of GVSU faculty and staff who worked together so well. We experienced so many aspects during our time in Chile: cultural, language, university operations, students, and the overall international experience. During the delegation trip I have meet so many wonderful and kind people. I had the opportunity to travel to a different country, encounter a different culture, meet new friends, talk with Chilean students about studying abroad, and to experience what it is like to be a foreigner. What I brought back to GVSU from this delegation trip is a broader perspective of the world, a stronger appreciation of everyones differences, and a pride of being able to represent Grand Valley in Chile.

Zulema Moret

Date of International Activity
8/4/2013 - 8/4/2013

Partnership University
University of Bio Bio

International Activities and Goals
As Coordinator of Latin American Studies Program, I was interested to know the site and the different programs, to be able to design a program abroad for our minors. I could meet and talk with colleagues from different departments and colleges during the four intensive days visiting both campuses, in Concepción and in Chillán. As courses must be offered in English to those students that do not talk Spanish or those who know little Spanish, we have reflected and discussed alternatives for designing a study abroad program that could let students to take courses for the minor but also to develop projects or internships connected with their Majors. It was important to share our intentions with faculty belonging to different programs as Social Work, Sociology, Engineering, Gender, Education, General Education, Equity and Citizenship, English. They have shared suggestions and alternatives that Ill be developing as soon as possible to be able to start the program abroad. By this way I am able to think broader on diverse alternatives for Latin American minors students.

Aaron Lowen

Date of International Activity
5/11/2013 - 5/11/2013

Partnership University
University of Bío Bío

International Activities and Goals
My trip to Chile was very productive. I learned about UBB's highly successful student service initiatives, connected with their Business faculty, and discussed potential research collaboration for faculty from both schools. There are also exciting opportunities for both undergraduate and graduate students at both schools, and I hope to facilitate future exchanges for graduate students. I also learned about the significant changes happening in Chilean public policy, particularly social security and education. These changes have implications for the US and I look forward to sharing these with my students at GVSU.

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Laura Fox

Date of International Activity
5/11/2013 - 5/11/2013

Partnership University
Universidad del Bío Bío

International Activities and Goals
The goals of the Partnership Delegation to the Universidad del Bío Bío were to learn about UBB and Chile and to share information about GVSU. During our busy, productive week in Concepción, Chillán, Santiago, and Valparaíso, we did just that. We learned firsthand about Chilean culture and about UBB, including the universitys structure, campuses, programs of study, and challenges -- which, interestingly, mirror several of GVSUs challenges. We met UBB colleagues and found out about opportunities for cooperation, including GVSU faculty exchange. In addition, we shared information about GVSU with others in Chile. I also benefitted by learning more to help advise students who want to study in Chile and to supplement my teaching as well as by getting to know colleagues in Chile and from across the GVSU community.

delegation at mural EM
Tim Thimmesch

Date of International Activity
5/10/2013 - 5/10/2013

Partnership University
Universidad del Bio-Bio, Concepcion, Chile

International Activities and Goals
Being able to participate in the faculty/staff delegation trip to Bio-Bio University in Chile was a rewarding professional and personal experience. I was very interested in learning more about our international partnerships, meeting with University counterparts and students. The information exchange was excellent and we learned of many similarities between our two institutions. The most rewarding experience for me was the opportunity to meet students at the various sites. Our discussions highlighted the level of interest that these young people have in learning more about the 'states' and GVSU specifically. I was able to interact in a manner that is different from my typical duties at GVSU. A great experience and a wonderful travel delegation led by Becca Hambleton from PIC.

Michael Quashigah

Date of International Activity
5/9/2013 - 5/9/2013

Partnership University
The University of Debrecen

International Activities and Goals
My goal was to spend a week at the University of Debrecen and perform an audit of their undergraduate business curriculum with the view to identifying courses that are suitable for transfer back to GVSU. Also, I wanted to make presentations to the students and faculty/staff about the opportunities for study abroad at GVSU. I am happy to report that I was able to do all the above. I was pleasantly surprised by the availability of the courses thought in English at The University of Debrecen and cultural diversity of the institution, given its location.

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Brian Jbara

Date of International Activity
4/27/2013 - 4/27/2013

Partnership University

International Activities and Goals
While visiting METU, my goal was to identify/review programs and courses that would be suitable for GVSU students, particularly those in Brooks College. In particular, I wanted to spend time looking into their Women and Gender studies program, as it was the first of its kind in Turkey and, as a graduate program, provides unique opportunities for our students. Finally, I was able to present on integrative learning and the types of experience and programs we have at GVSU. Their Student Development office is continually working to create unique, suitable programs to support student learning and engagement, so it turned out to be very engaging. METU is a beautiful university, providing unique experiences for international students studying there. I would be happy to discuss with anyone wanting to learn more!

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Todd Carlson

Date of International Activity
4/25/2013 - 4/25/2013

Partnership University
Middle East Technical University

International Activities and Goals
I visited our partner Middle East Technical University (METU) in the spring of 2013 on a PIC Partnership Development Grant. The METU exchange partnership is currently underutilized (in both directions) due to the fact that study abroad opportunities often don't fit well with science curricula. METU is the top University in Turkey, it is modeled after the U.S. university system, and all instruction is in English. Also, the cost of living is very affordable in Turkey. Thus, there should be no obstacles preventing exchange of students and faculty between our schools. During my visit, I also promoted our emphasis on integrating research into our undergraduate science curriculum. I also had time to tour the country. As Turkey is one of the most historically important countries in the world, a visit by GVSU students and faculty should be especially attractive. I would be glad to meet with anyone who wishes more information about this partnership. Attached are some pictures of the Chemistry Department, my host, and famous sites around the country.

Chemistry Department Student Tour Labs Ephesus Mahinur Todd
Delegation 2010 China

Date of International Activity
3/5/2010 - 3/5/2010

Partnership University
East China Normal University and China-Japan Friendship Hospital

International Activities and Goals
China 2010 Delegates: Dr. Peimin Ni, Co-Leader of the Delegation & Professor of Philosophy Ms. Rebecca Hambleton, Co-Leader of the Delegation, Director of Study Abroad & Intl Partnerships Dr. Kathryn Remlinger, representative from English Department Ms. La Chaunte Rodgers, representative from Human Resources Ms. Alexandra Schmid, representative from Seidman College of Business Dr. Robert Smart, representative from Chemistry and Center for Scholarly & Creative Excellence Ms. Patricia Smith, representative from University Counsel Ms. Vicki Wenger, representative from Padnos International Center In the spring 2010, a delegation of 8 GVSU faculty and staff traveled to visit East China Normal University in Shanghai, and the China-Japan Friendship Hospital in Beijing. During this eleven day visit, the groups goals were to meet with cohorts at our partner university, to include faculty and staff in intercultural experiences, expose ourselves to Chinese culture and come to understand daily life in China. We challenged ourselves to master the transport systems, try new cuisine, and recognize the learning opportunities for our students in exchanges with this partnership.

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