2008 Student Summer Scholars

Andrew Belliner

Andrew Belliner

Graphics Process-Based Implementation of Bioinformatics Codes
Faculty Mentors: Christian Trefftz and Greg Wolffe

Brittany Benson

Brittany Benson

Defining specific protein interactions in Diaphanous-related Formins: an essential step in the development of a potential anti-cancer drug
Faculty Mentor: Brad Waller, Chemistry

Rebecca Bolen

Rebecca Bolen

The Marriage of Rosine: Discourses on Women in the Plays of Beaumarchais
Faculty Mentor: David Eick, French Studies

Laura Dahmer

Laura Dahmer

Determination of Energy Expenditure during Pregnancy and its Comparison to the Compendium of Physical Activity Values: A Pilot Study
Faculty Mentor: Dawn Coe and Brian Hatzel, Movement Science

Michelle Frasco

Michelle Frasco

Overcoming barriers in geoscience education at the elementary school level
Faculty Mentor: Pablo Llerandi-Roman, Geology

Emily Henk

Photo Not Available

Identifying Lactic Acid Bacteria in Michigan Cherry Wines
Faculty Mentor: Margaret Dietrich, Biology

Derek Janssens

Derek Janssens

The discovery of new signaling pathways that regulate neural stem cell differentiation into glia.
Faculty Mentor: Merritt Taylor, Biomedical Science

Kevin Maupin

Kevin Maupin

Novel Indane Derivatives as Regulators of TAAR Activity
Faculty Mentor: Matthew Hart, Chemistry

Elise Miller

Elise Miller

Determination of Epitope-Labeled Hdc Gene Expression in Transgenic Flies of Drosophila
Faculty Mentor: Martin Burg, Biomedical Sciences

Brandon Moblo

Brandon Moblo

Trauma And Masculinity In France: 1914-1930
Faculty Mentor: Jason Crouthamel, History

Dennis Nagelkirk

Dennis Nagelkirk

Mural, Painting, and Art Education Project with African Refugees and the African Center of Grand Rapids
Faculty Mentor: Ed Wong-Ligda, Art and Design

Connie Pan

Connie Pan

Kinana Hale: An Investigation of the Tropical and the Desert and How They Shape Our Notion of Identity and Self
Faculty Mentor: Nicole Walker, Writing

April Russell

April Russell

The Puzzling Mathematics of Sudoku
Faculty Mentor: Shelly Smith, Mathematics

Kyle Schneider

Kyle Schneider

Mutation of the active site carboxy-lysine of OXA-1 β-lactamase results in deacylation-deficient enzyme
Faculty Mentor: David Leonard, Chemistry

Carrie Schoenborn

Carrie Schoenborn

Mural, Painting, and Art Education Project with African Refugees and the African Center of Grand Rapids
Faculty Mentor: Jill Eggers, Art and Design

Andrew Sisson

Andrew Sisson

Evaluation of Spring Flow, Bacterial Contamination, and Distribution of Fresh Water Resources in the Vicinity of Verrettes, Haiti
Faculty Mentor: Peter Wampler, Geology

M. Ben Stacey

M. Ben Stacey

Gene Flow of Round Gobies in Lake Michigan
Faculty Mentors: Carl Ruetz III and Ryan Thum, Annis Water Resource Institute

Norrissa Thomas

Norrissa Thomas

The Distribution of Crayfish Species within the Tributaries of the Grand River, Michigan.
Faculty Mentor: Daniel Bergman, Biomedical Sciences

Leonard Van Gelder

Leonard Van Gelder

The Affect of acute Static, Dynamic or No Stretching on Agility Performance
Faculty Mentor: Shari Bartz, Movement Science

Kirk Wyatt

Kirk Wyatt

Structure/function studies of an enzyme involved in bacterial resistance to penicillin-class antibiotics
Faculty Mentors: Lauri Witucki and Felix Ngassa, Chemistry

Sandi Xhumari

Sandi Xhumari

Equal Circle Packing on a Flat Torus
Faculty Mentor: William Dickinson, Mathematics

If you'd like to see more about these scholars' projects, then check out the Student Summer Scholars Summer Showcase Abstract Book.

2008 Student Summer Scholars Summer Showcase Abstract Book

Page last modified November 15, 2019