myGVSU survey 2011

Learning, living, and working on campus

myGVSU survey 2011 was the fourth study of its type to be held on campus. Earlier studies led to many exciting changes, such as the addition of the Women's Center, the Children's Enrichment Center, and the Inclusion and Equity Division, among others. The survey was designed to help support and achieve the goals and objectives set by Grand Valley in the strategic plan for 2010-2015, which included:

  • Providing a rich, inclusive learning and working environment that attracts, retains, and supports a diverse community.
  • Conducting a rigorous climate study of faculty, staff, and student experiences to identify a current baseline of perceptions in areas of inclusion and equity.

The Division of Inclusion and Equity asked members of the campus to "tell us what else we can do to improve the campus climate so that everyone feels welcome." 

Presentation on Survey Process and Results

GVSU Climate Study

For the purpose of the 2011 myGVSU survey, "climate" was defined as the "current attitudes, behaviors, and standards and practices of employees and students of an institution." Rankin, S., & Reason, R. (2009). Campus climate assessment and planning. Washington, D.C.: ACPA Books and Media.

Campus Climate Implementation Committee (CCIC) Action Plans & Progress Updates

Page last modified May 17, 2018