Unregistered device connected to GV-GameNet
Unregistered device connected to GV-GameNet
The wireless network (SSID) that this device is currently connected to is for registered gaming devices, Smart TVs, and other streaming media devices that do not support 802.1X authentication. If you are reading this on a laptop, desktop, phone, or other mobile device, please go into your network settings and forget/remove GV-GameNet from your network list, then connect to the GV-Student network. More information can be found here.
If this device is a gaming console or streaming media player, you will need to register it by following the instructions on this webpage.
If you run into any issues, please contacting the IT Service Desk at (616) 331-2101 or [email protected].
IT Service Desk
010 Mary Idema Pew Library
1 Campus Drive
Allendale, Michigan 49401-9403
(616) 331-2101
1-(855) 435-7488 (Toll-free Phone)
[email protected]