Kaufman in the News

We Remember Reflection

September 23, 2015

We Remember Reflection

On Thursday, September 10th, 2015, a community interfaith memorial event sponsored by area hospice providers, the Kaufman Interfaith Institute, and the Interfaith community took place to remember those who have died in our community.

Throughout the evening, the event at the Dominican Center drew in over 160 community members. The event began with a service that represented multiple faith traditions through various readings by the following: 

    Fred Stella - Pracharak, West Michigan Hindu Temple

    Linda Toloui - Baha’i Community

    Rev. Bob Lindstrom - Trinity Lutheran Church

    Rev. Nathaniel Moody - Brown-Hutcherson Ministries

    Dr. Sahibzada - Director/Imam Masjid of Grand Rapids/Islamic Center of West Michigan

    Diane Baum - Congregation Ahavas Israel

Following the service, multiple events were available outside of the Dominican Center. Events included planting in the newly established interfaith garden, decorating and flying a kite, a reflective nature walk, and walking a labyrinth.

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Page last modified September 23, 2015