Instructional Design for eLearning

Faculty Learning Communities
The IDeL team facilitates a series of faculty learning communities focused on online and hybrid learning. These meetings take place once a month on the Allendale, Pew, and Health campuses. All faculty are invited to attend, whether they teach online and hybrid courses or not. For this semester's meeting dates and locations, see the faculty learning community page.
How Do I Get Started?
Are you interested in teaching a hybrid or an online course? To learn more about the process involved in proposing courses and being certified to teach online, please visit the Faculty Resources for Online Education page. To learn how to become an approved online or hybrid instructor, please visit the webpage for our Foundations workshop.
About IDeL
Our goal is to develop confident and competent faculty, prepared to teach in blended and fully online learning environments, who are able to integrate technology in a way that is learner-centered and pedagogically sound. learn more about IDeL