IACUC procedure requires that all proposed research protocols are authorized by a responsible GVSU administrative authority prior to IACUC review and approval. IACUC review will not be initiated until an Authorizing Official (AO) signature has been recorded in OneAegis.

Deans: the AO is the Provost or his/her designee.

Unit heads: the AO is the appointing Dean or the Dean’s designee

Faculty members: the AO is the academic unit head.

Staff members: the AO is the unit head or program supervisor.

For full committee reviews, protocol deadlines are typically two weeks prior to the IACUC meeting. Please visit our Meeting Schedule for exact dates.

For projects that do not rise to the level of a full committee review, the IACUC reviews submissions on a rolling basis. If you do not anticipate a full board review you do not need to submit your protocol according to the IACUC meeting schedule.

* Please note  the IACUC observes all university holidays.

Step 1: Login to OneAegis.

Step 2: Select the protocol from the table of active protocols on the screen.

Step 3: This brings you to the protocol-specific page. Scroll down to the Events table, and click on the number in the "Att" column next to the applicable event.

Step 4: The decision letter can be found under "Generated Docs."

Contact ORCI at [email protected] or 616-331-3197 with any problems.

Your approval and expiration dates are in your approval letter and in the Main Protocol screen.

Step 1: Login to OneAegis.

Step 2: Select the protocol from the table of active protocols on the screen.

Step 3: This brings you to the Main Protocol page. Under the Study-Site section is the initial approval date, project status, and expiration date.

Step 1: Login to OneAegis

Step 2: Select the protocol from the table of active protocols at the bottom of the screen.

Step 3: This brings you to the protocol-specific page. Scroll down to the Events table, and click on the applicable event.

Step 4: This brings you to the event-specific page.  To view the protocol application, select "xForms" in the left-hand column.  To view all other documents, select "Attachments" in the left-hand column.

Contact ORCI at [email protected] or 616-331-3197 with any problems.

Step by step instructions for the OneAegis usage can be found in our OneAegis User Guide. Contact ORCI at [email protected] or 616-331-3197 with any problems.



Page last modified July 25, 2016