What You Can Do

Stay connected.
With friends outside of the group. Groups that haze often try to isolate their new members from others who might challenge them to question what they are going through.

Talk with others about what you are going through.
You do not have to keep it a secret. Demanding secrecy is a common practice designed to protect people who are abusing others.  You have a right to tell anyone anything you want about what you are going through, even if you were made to promise that you would not do so.

Seek guidance.
From someone you trust, such as family members, friends or university members.

Refuse to participate.
Others before you have also refused to participate in activities they believed to did not uphold the values of their organization.

Join together with other new members to refuse to be hazed.
There is power in numbers.  By joining together with other new members you can help to change the culture of hazing in the organization.  It is harder to ignore a group then it is one individual. 

Leave the group.
Starting a process does not mean that you have to finish.  At any time you feel that you are not being treated with respect or dignity know that you can leave the group.  No one has the right to diminish who you are or what you can be.

Talk to University authority.
If at any time you believe you are experiencing hazing, or have questions about hazing, please reach out to the university for guidance.

Page last modified May 5, 2020