News from Grand Valley State University

Padnos International Center

2018 graduate, Ukraine native volunteers to support country's civilian reservists

Iryna Bilan, a 2018 Grand Valley graduate, lives in Ukraine and now spends her days volunteering to support the Territorial Defense Forces, Ukraine's civilian reservists.

Mar 14, 2022

GVSU recruiter in India able to give first-hand knowledge of university to prospective students

College recruiters are known for covering a lot of distance but Kirthi Kondapalli could win all bragging rights.

Oct 21, 2021

Virtual exchanges allow students to gain language, global competency skills

Grand Valley students are learning about global cultures and speaking another language by connecting virtually with peers around the world.

Sep 30, 2021

Faculty and staff sketches

Among accolades, are students, faculty and staff members who received Pineapple Awards from international students.

May 7, 2021

Faculty and staff sketches

Leaders from GVSU and the Cracow University of Economics met to renew the exchange agreement between the institutions.

Mar 25, 2021

GVSU ranks sixth nationally for number of students who study abroad

Grand Valley was ranked sixth nationally in its category for the number of students who studied abroad in 2018-2019, according to the Institute of International Education.

Jan 14, 2021

TRIO programs built to support first-generation students show high retention rates

TRIO is one example of how Grand Valley supports first-generation students.

Dec 8, 2020

Schaub named dean of Brooks College of Interdisciplinary Studies

Mark Schaub was named dean of the college after serving as acting and interim dean since February 2019.

Nov 3, 2020

Now doctoral student, GVSU graduate will give presentation for Kutsche Office of Local History

GVSU graduate Dani Willcutt took a winding path to a doctoral degree program at Michigan State University that merges her two passions -- history and food.

Nov 3, 2020

Decision to stay overseas during quarantine turns into business opportunity for student

Senior Nate Anderson already has an answer when potential employers ask him about adversity during a job interview. Anderson, who will graduate in April with a bachelor's degree in marketing, said he will talk about the challenges of spending COVID-19 quarantine in a country 9,000 miles from home.

Oct 20, 2020