News from Grand Valley State University


Nursing, PAS students play active role at COVID-19 vaccination clinics

Grand Valley nursing and physician assistant studies students are helping to combat COVID-19 by administering vaccinations in Kent and Ottawa counties.

Mar 1, 2021

GVSU offers tuition-free program for qualified students from six Michigan counties

University leaders are committed to opening access to higher education and have announced a tuition-free program for students from low-income backgrounds who live in six Michigan counties.

Feb 8, 2021

OCDPH uses Holland Campus to give initial vaccinations

Jeff Potter, a firefighter and EMT from Zeeland, was the first person to receive the COVID-19 vaccination at Grand Valley's Meijer Campus in Holland December 17.

Dec 18, 2020

Ottawa County will use Holland Campus as site to give COVID-19 vaccinations to frontline workers

Vaccinations for EMS and other frontline workers will begin Friday.

Dec 17, 2020

Accelerated, online bachelor's program will help adults succeed in tough economy

Grand Valley's online, accelerated degree program will help adults achieve career success, even during an economy rocked by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Apr 29, 2020

Meijer Campus hosts conference for high school seniors

The Meijer Campus in Holland hosted a two-day conference for Holland High School seniors, "Adulting 101."

Apr 17, 2017